cleaning my Mossberg


New member
Sep 12, 2017
So I've been researching this topic and have seen some conflicting answers so was hoping somebody could help me out. I just purchased a new Mossberg 500 Persuader. I've shot these guns plenty of times but never cleaned or taken one apart.My question is do I need to completely dissemble and clean this gun before using it or maybe just clean out the factory oil in certain areas? I have never taken apart a gun so I am a little intimidated about it to say the least. I also was wondering what everybody here recommends for cleaning this type of gun (rod cleaning kit, bore snake,etc) and what type of cleaner (Hoppes Solvent and Rem Oil, or Breakfree CLP,etc).

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the site! Here is a video on how to disassemble a Mossberg 500:

Once you take a shotgun apart a time or two, you'll realize it's not too difficult. If it were me, I would take it apart and clean it now instead of shooting it first. The oils that they use can be put on fairly thick so it's best to just get them out. I always use a rod cleaning kit with Hoppes but I'm sure you can use other methods as well.
Ill pretty much echo everything COHUNTER said. The factory grease that it gets sent out in is not really what you want for everyday use, it's more of a preservative for the firearm to make sure when it's sold its clear of rust and defective parts. Once you strip it down it's actually pretty simple. I'm pretty certain I can strip my shotguns down now blindfolded and reassemble.

I prefer hoppes but remoil has worked plenty fine over the years also, just make sure (common mistake with newbie shotgunners) to spray and then wipe away, you want a finite layer of film over the moving parts, anything excess just collects/attracts dust, grime, etc... Any gunsmith should tell you to wipe the sprayed oil away.

I also don't clean my shotgun bores nearly enough but when I do I use a snake, pulling from the action down the barrel toward the muzzle.