CO 161 Fire/ Hunting Info


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Mar 23, 2017
News Release:

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Beaver Creek Fire closes access to some hunting areas in North Park

WALDEN, Colo. - Colorado Parks and Wildlife is advising anyone planning to hunt in Game Management Unit 161 and surrounding areas in North Park that because of the massive Beaver Creek fire still burning northwest of Walden, the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management has closed much of the primary access to the GMU through the fall hunting seasons.

The 35,000 acre fire began burning beetle-killed trees in late June and will likely continue burning until the first snows move into the area. For the safety of hunters and recreationists, federal land management authorities will likely keep the roads closed until the fire is naturally extinguished in late fall.

\"Although our primary concern is the safety of the public, I can say that the fire is actually very beneficial to habitat and wildlife as it\'s removing thousands of dead trees that will have likely burned in the future anyway,\" said Area Wildlife Manager Kris Middledorf of Steamboat Springs. \"However, this comes at a time when hunters are scouting and preparing for their fall hunts, so it\'s important that people stay informed about the situation on the ground and make decisions or alternative plans as soon as possible.\"

Not all land in GMU 161 is currently closed to the public, nor is all private land access restricted; however, access may be limited to a small number of roads or trails accessible by foot or horseback only as much of the area is inside wilderness boundaries.

Middledorf says CPW is sending letters to hunters that drew licenses specifically for GMU 161 informing them of their options. He adds that other hunters planning to head to North Park should check with federal authorities for the latest conditions, or call CPW\'s Steamboat Springs office at 970-870-2855.

\"We are working with the U.S. Forest Service and the BLM on a daily basis to make sure we have the latest information,\" said Middledorf. \"Federal agencies will always have the latest details but hunters can call CPW at anytime for additional help.\"

CPW reminds the public that wildlife has evolved with fires as a natural part of the landscape. Even in instances where fires have burned large areas, big game will often return very quickly, sometimes a few days after the fire has moved through. Experienced hunters have used this knowledge to increase their chance of success.

\"Hunters have options and there is still time to make arrangements and changes to hunting plans. We are here to help, answer questions and provide recommendations for this fall\'s hunts in this area ,? said Middledorf.

CPW reminds hunters that access to traditional hunting areas can always be limited by sudden natural events, including fire, floods and unsafe conditions. Always check with the land management agency for the latest information prior to heading out on your hunt.
No sir - drew a Unit 2 tag which is far NW CO. I was watching the fire because I thought it might impact my drive up since I go by the Walden exit on way up. If I have to drive West first before going North, it adds a couple hours drive.

Appreciate you checking!
I hope you get a big un this fall even if it take a few hours more to get there... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
So how does this affect the outfitters that have unit 161 as their territory? (My understanding is they are permitted for certain areas in Colorado?)
Are they allowed to go somewhere else increasing pressure in other areas or are they \"SOL\" for this year and have to cancel client hunts? Some of the area I explore is affected and so trying to make a new plan and figure out all the what ifs?
Welcome to the site Chris! I am no expert, but I have to assume that the areas that are closed apply to everyone, including outfitters. They are closed for a reason. If they allowed outfitters with their clients in there and a fire flared back up, that would create major legal implications. Just my thoughts. Again, welcome!!!

I think the outfitters in 161 are screwed. Unless they get another area from someone else.
But like the article says, the animals will quickly move back into the area

Im curious about the moose tags that were issued for 161.
Are they still valid and the hunters are SOL?

Welcome Chris - glad you made the trip!
\"cnelk\" said:
I think the outfitters in 161 are screwed. Unless they get another area from someone else.
But like the article says, the animals will quickly move back into the area

Im curious about the moose tags that were issued for 161.
Are they still valid and the hunters are SOL?

Welcome Chris - glad you made the trip!
Good question on the moose tags...

With regards to the animals quickly moving back into the area, I will say this: with all the closures and road closures in that area, it certainly could make for a good backcountry hunt this year. I would think escaping other hunters would be extremely easy this year in 161.
Just looked.
There was 7 bull moose tags and 5 cow moose tags issued for 161

Someone is feeling the pinch I bet
The way I read it is not all of 161 is closed just the fire area and some roads... Did I read that wrong?????
Thanks for the welcome, nice looking group you have here. I have seen the closures, just trying to answer where the extra pressure might show up this season. Probably like trying to guess the lottery numbers!!! :lol:
\"huntalittle\" said:
Thanks for the welcome, nice looking group you have here. I have seen the closures, just trying to answer where the extra pressure might show up this season. Probably like trying to guess the lottery numbers!!! :lol:

Welcome to the site, Chris! :upthumb:
\"huntalittle\" said:
Thanks for the welcome, nice looking group you have here. I have seen the closures, just trying to answer where the extra pressure might show up this season. Probably like trying to guess the lottery numbers!!! :lol:
Chris, if the CPW is actually sending letters to everyone who drew tags and telling them their options, I\'m guessing a lot of them will turn in tags and hunt elsewhere. I wouldn\'t think there should be too much extra pressure around the unit, but again that\'s just a guess.
What season are you hunting? I just realized that 161 is an over-the-counter unit for archery and 2nd and 3rd rifle. That should help too, although I\'m sure some folks will show up during those seasons not even knowing about the fire and expecting to hunt their normal location that is now closed.
I drove by that fire on Monday ... wow ... and with this dry weather, it won\'t be going out soon.

Next year, though ... there will be a lot of elk there.
\"cohunter14\" said:
What season are you hunting?

Muzzleloader cow tag this year. Maybe the closure will reopen late in the year but not for our hunt. Been looking at maps every free chance I have since Monday trying to come up with a solid backup plan. No boots on the ground until season starts for me.
Now another fire ... The Broadway Fire ... on the west side of Blackhall Mountain in WY, just north of the Beaver Creek Fire.

That\'s some serious deadfall in there ... wife and I were in that very area last summer and heard multiple trees falling from the wind. If they don\'t get on that quickly, it\'ll go up fast.
\"huntalittle\" said:
\"cohunter14\" said:
What season are you hunting?

Muzzleloader cow tag this year. Maybe the closure will reopen late in the year but not for our hunt. Been looking at maps every free chance I have since Monday trying to come up with a solid backup plan. No boots on the ground until season starts for me.

Do you hunt with a guy named Troy by chance?
I\'ve been watching this fire since it started. Brad tipped me off when it was 230 acres. Needless to say I\'ve gone through the full spectrum from anger to grief to coping. I\'m at the point now where I can see by the next trip our original spot will be prime and I\'ll have doubled my known areas to hunt.

But seriously, you could sense from the get-go that they were going to let this fire burn itself out and focus on the structures in the area. There\'s so much beetle kill, the forest really needed it, even if I would\'ve preferred it happen on a year I\'m not elk hunting. :lol:

We go early archery season OTC so it doesn\'t have as much of an impact for us, other than perhaps additional pressure on the surrounding areas. We\'ve had plenty of time to map scout and start from scratch, and settled on a new area quick enough. Hopefully we find ourselves in greener pastures and this turns out to be a blessing, but if not, I still expect to kill an elk even if it\'s the only damn (legal) bull in the unit.

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