CO Youth Preference


New member
Sep 3, 2017
On page 5 of the hunting regulations, under Youth Preference and License Availability, you will see a paragraph which reads;

\"Up to 15 percent of limited licenses for doe pronghorn, doe and either-sex deer and cow elk for regular and private land only rifle seasons are available for youths ages 12-17 who meet hunter education requirements.\" ML, early and late rifle, AFA and RFW are excluded.

I verified this with the CPW outreach coordinator this morning.

Here is the trick (at least for the elk tags), do not put a male code in ANY OF THE CHOICES. When you do that, the youth hunter defaults into the Adult Limited Draw. So in other words if you enter a cow huntcode as your first choice, then put an ES huntcode in any of the other choices, they will loose that preference.

This might be good info for you parents trying to get a decent tag for your kids. Think Cows.


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