Colorado Bear Hunt?


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Anybody else hunting for bear this year? What method of hunting do you use?

I've been a still hunter all my life, so I do the same with bear. I scout all summer for areas with berry bushes. Huckleberry being what i'm looking for, because I love hunting the high country timber. Lots of little parks in the timber have berries. My hopes of sneaking in on a bear with a mouthful of berries is my goal.

How about you? How do you do it?
that works as well as any way even better if you can glass those areas and then after you spot your bear slip in down wind
The problem is these small parks are in deep timber. No need to glass them. That would be spot and stalk hunting.

I want to still hunt. Sneaking in not knowing if a bear is there, but hoping through past scouting. I find it more exciting, and rewarding. See the bear before it see's me.  :)
can you skin a griz pilgrim? ;D  well if you know hey will be eating there then id say your chances were high not as high as sitting on a barrel of donuts but it would be pretty fair id think