Colorado Big Game Info - Wildlife Commission Meeting Agenda


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Mar 23, 2017
For those interested in whats on the Wildlife Commission upcoming meeting agenda - here are some topics...

Here is a link to other agenda items - <!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"> ... 15-11.aspx</a><!-- m -->

Chapter W-2 - ?Big Game? 2 CCR 406-2 and those related provisions of Chapter W-0 (?General Provisions? 2 CCR 406-0) necessary to accommodate
changes to or ensure consistency with Chapter W-2 (Step 1 of 2) Open for review of the entire chapter, including, but not limited to:
? Annual changes to limited license areas and manner of take provisions for deer, elk, pronghorn antelope, moose, and bear.
? Annual changes to limited license application and drawing processes.
? Amending regulations pertaining to auction and raffle licenses to clarify that these licenses are only valid in specific units, or parts of units, that are otherwise open for hunting a specific species.
? Establishing a new licensing option within the Bighorn Sheep Access Program (BSAP) for hunting sheep transplanted by CPW onto private land.
? Opening bighorn sheep GMU S2 to ram hunting.
? Adjusting the boundary between GMUs S13 and S26.
? Establishing a new ewe hunt in S41.
? Splitting S63 and S64 huntcodes to allocate ram licenses to separate GMUs.
? Removing the unit boundary restriction for SMS54O1A.
? Opening S77 for ram hunting.
? Adding Private Land Only (PLO) huntcodes for GMUs 15, 27, 181 and 371 for black bears.
? Placing restrictions on youth hunters for the extended season in GMUs 61 and 62.
? Establishing an either-sex elk hunt for GMU 61 running from October 1- October 7.
? Establishing an early October rifle bear season in GMU 61.
? Changing huntcodes EE055O1M and EE551O1M into bull only licenses.
? Eliminating huntcodes EE055P1R and EE055P4R.
? Eliminating huntcode EF020L2R.
? Establishing a late cow season in GMU 30.
? Changing the season dates for EF031L1R to December 15 through January 15 annually.
? Modifying huntcodes for elk in GMU 54.
? Converting huntcode EF064L1R to a PLO license.
? Adding a late public land antlerless elk season in GMU 70.
? Eliminating hunt code EF421LR.
? Establishing a drawing process for elk hunting permits on the Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges.
? Extending the fall bull/cow elk season in GMUs 682 and 791 to the end of February.
? Establishing a new PLO huntcode for pronghorn in GMU 80.
? Discontinuing mandatory CWD testing for moose.
? Opening GMU 43 to antlered moose hunting.
Brad, do they vote on these items on the 19th and 20th as well? How do we find out the results?

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