Colorado CPW Commisioner Mtg Agenda


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Below is a link to the next Commisioner meeting.
Anyone that hunts in Colorado should read to know what could happen.

Topics like Lighted nocks are the least of the issues possible changes
Take a look and see what you think

A complete agenda can be found at <!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"> ... AGENDA.pdf</a><!-- m -->.
Very interesting, thanks for posting that.

I don\'t see the total lead ammo ban passsing, but if it does, that would be a huge inconvenience. More expensive ammo, etc.
I\'m all for passing lighted knocks/electronics on bows. As well as allowing leashed dogs to help track wounded game. I really don\'t see a whole lot of negative possible outcomes to either of those, just the positive possiblity of recovering more game. But thats just my .02 :dk:
Are they kidding with this one? Colorado is turning into California. Ridiculous!

At its November meeting, the Parks and Wildlife Commission will
consider a Citizen Petition for Rulemaking related to General
Provisions, as follows:
? A Citizen Petition for rulemaking requesting the Commission
pass a regulation prohibiting the use of lead ammunition for
hunting all game wildlife within the State of Colorado.
The Commission may accept all or a portion of the petition for final action,
further consideration or otherwise reject the petition at the November
Commission meeting. A copy of the petition may be obtained by contacting
Danielle Isenhart (303) 866-3203 ext. 4625, Regulations Manager, Colorado
\"Still Hunter\" said:
Are they kidding with this one? Colorado is turning into California. Ridiculous!

I\'m sure it won\'t be the last time that we hear of this. It is becomming a topic of discussion across the country. I\'m guessing it comes from the same folks who want to continue reintroducing wolves. Sure, it sounds great until you actually think about what you are doing. Unfortunately, I don\'t think a whole lot of thought goes into some of these ideas and plans... :agg: