Colorado Point Banking...Thoughts?


Jul 10, 2017
For those that hunt Colorado (and even those that don\'t), what are your thoughts on the possibility of them going to a point banking system? I have been seeing some people freaking out about it, but I think that in the end, it is probably a good thing. Something needs to be done about the point creep that is going on. What say you guys?
I think it\'ll just shift the creep down to the lower-tier units, but the upper-tiers will still have enough that creep will only slow a little.
First and foremost SOMETHING needs to be done and I think Point Banking is \'something\'
I remember when they tried is many years ago. I cant quite remember if I used it of not.
But IMO opinion I believe it will help point creep at certain levels.
It may be a detriment at other levels

It is very difficult to guess what hunters\' intentions are when PP are involved. Some guys run the numbers thinking that each year so many guys will apply for this or that tag and use their PP the best to their advantage.
Maybe so, maybe not.

For instance.
I have [had] 7 deer PP this year.
I used them ALL UP on a unit that took 4 PP max.
I had my reason and Im OK with it.
So that skews any predictable data.
I am anxiously waiting to see what it will do to the unit I hunt. It\'s a zero point draw that gets hunters that don\'t draw their high point first choice. My first thought would be less hunters because they are hunting elsewhere, or maybe no change. Thoughts? I\'ve never applied for a PP on my first choice because of the chance of not getting my second choice in the unit I hunt (odds are about 50/50)
Barry, I would think that nothing will really change in your unit. No one is going to use that as a first choice that is sitting on preference points and people will probably still apply there with their second choice.
There are chances that in your situation that you could see a PP jump by 1 PP.
But no one really knows.
If the CPW increases tag allotment in your unit, that wouldnt have any impact at all on PPs.
If the CPW happens to limit tags even more in your unit, it could take 2 PP to draw.

But remember, you wont know that until AFTER the draw because of the unpredictability of hunters\' intentions.

If Point Banking does go into effect, it will take 2 years minimum to determine any advantages or disadvantages.

For those that are not familiar with Point Banking, here is how it worked last time.

Lets say I had 7 PP
I apply for unit XYZ that historically took 3 PP to draw
They will take those 3 PP + 1 PP for that tag.

My remaining PP balance would be....3 PP

The next year I wouldnt be eligible for that same 3 PP XYZ unit.
I would only be eligible for a 2 PP unit

So I would then apply for a PP, hunt a OTC unit and then hunt unit XYZ the following year [providing point creep didnt affect it]
I can see that there is a chance that it could jump up to requiring 1 preference point, but Brad, do you think that there are many hunters out there who will use all of their saved up points to hunt units that will take 1 preference point each year when they could possibly aquire a point and still hunt that unit with a 2nd choice? I don\'t see how units that currently don\'t require a preference point, or even those that require one, will be affected by this, but then again I could be wrong.
I love my spot and requiring just one point is gonna screw things up for me. I better start buttering some of you guys up for inside intel in case I need to move. :wave:
Three ways to stop or slow point creep that will work but nobody will like:
1) Charge $100 non refundable, for a preference point.
2) Change the legal antler point restriction to a minimum of six points on one side for every elk unit in the state. This would allow for the chances of taking a trophy bull in every unit to increase and thus help to eliminate the creep build up in the top 5-6 current trophy units.
3) Make RFW follow the same antler point restrictions. Currently even spikes can be taken on RFW hunts.
ANY Bull tag drawn takes all of your Pref Points

It would foolish for someone for instance with 8 PP to apply for a 1 PP unit for multiple years.
But I have seen hunters apply for a 2 PP unit with 8-10 PP, so go figure.

There is no supporting data to predict what hunters will do, or what # of tags will be allotted.
Only history and herd objectives factor in
I like your ideas guys...that would definitely have a much bigger effect on the current system than point banking. I especially love the idea of increasing the antler point restriction. Even if that was bumped up to 5 points, I think it would allow for more trophy opportunities in areas. However, I am sure that would mess with the overall goals of bull to cow ratio in a lot of units.