On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at the next meeting of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission, the commissioners will consider a resolution to \"oppose wolf reintroduction\" in Colorado. I urge you to contact the commission and tell them you DO NOT SUPPORT wolf introduction in Colorado.
The alternatives are shown below. If you hunt, or ever want to hunt big game in CO, this is a HUGE issue. The best alternative for hunters is Alternative 2.
The groups in favor of wolf re-introduction have already sent 3000 emails to the Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Please send your emails to the CPW at
<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us\">dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us</a><!-- e -->
This is an important step in delaying or prohibiting the reintroduction. The pro-wolf people are all over this. We need the help of hunters!
Original version: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005 and hereby opposes any introduction of Mexican or intentional reintroduction of gray wolves in the State of Colorado.
Alternative Version 1: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005, recommends that Mexican wolf recovery efforts be confined to the subspecies? historic range, and emphasizes the importance of bi-national recovery planning with Mexico.
Alternative Version 2: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005, opposes the intentional release of any wolves into Colorado, recommends that Mexican wolf recovery efforts be confined to the subspecies? historic range, and emphasizes the importance of bi- national recovery planning with Mexico.
<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us\">dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us</a><!-- e -->
The alternatives are shown below. If you hunt, or ever want to hunt big game in CO, this is a HUGE issue. The best alternative for hunters is Alternative 2.
The groups in favor of wolf re-introduction have already sent 3000 emails to the Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Please send your emails to the CPW at
<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us\">dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us</a><!-- e -->
This is an important step in delaying or prohibiting the reintroduction. The pro-wolf people are all over this. We need the help of hunters!
Original version: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005 and hereby opposes any introduction of Mexican or intentional reintroduction of gray wolves in the State of Colorado.
Alternative Version 1: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005, recommends that Mexican wolf recovery efforts be confined to the subspecies? historic range, and emphasizes the importance of bi-national recovery planning with Mexico.
Alternative Version 2: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission affirms its support of the Wolf Working Group?s recommendations adopted by the Wildlife Commission in May 2005, opposes the intentional release of any wolves into Colorado, recommends that Mexican wolf recovery efforts be confined to the subspecies? historic range, and emphasizes the importance of bi- national recovery planning with Mexico.
<!-- e --><a href=\"mailto:dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us\">dnr_cpwcommission@state.co.us</a><!-- e -->