Couple Trail Cam Pics


Jul 10, 2017
I threw out a few trail cameras a couple weeks ago in preparation for an upcoming turkey hunt. This is also an area that I will archery elk hunt in the fall. Here are a few of the pictures I\'ve gotten so far:

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\"Don K\" said:
Looks like you need to look for some sheds!
Oh, I have my eyes peeled for sure! Nothing yet, but I got some awesome mulie sheds from this area last year.
I have 2 cameras I leave out all year and 4 more I put out the last week of August or the first week of September and remove the first or second week of December...
The 2 I leave out all year are mainly travel areas around my stand and don\'t get a lot of spring or summer pictures but they pickup during fall and winter...
I\'ve planed some food plots around my area this year for the first time and if the grow I\'ll be able to see if the traffic picks up during the summer also..

I got a picture of a tiger cat back in January... :downthumb: :downthumb:

Poor fella didn\'t have a long time. Thank God the \"seasons still turn\" as ol\' Chris said.
Heading out tomorrow afternoon to chase some turkeys and check some cameras. I\'m also going to be putting two more cameras out for a total of ten in the area. This area seems to hold elk all year long so the goal is to use the cameras to figure out more and more about their patterns. Most of the pictures I have gotten over the last 10 months have been in areas that the elk don\'t consistently hit, but instead use to travel from one area to the next. Slowly trying to use that evidence to figure out more and more of the puzzle. Hopefully I\'ll have a few of those puzzle pieces put together by September!

This area is way different than anything else I have ever hunted, which makes it fun and frustrating all at the same time.
Got a few more elk on camera...they sure are ugly looking this time of year! Tough to tell because it\'s blurry but the first one might be a bull?

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Well, I\'m officially done turkey hunting and although I didn\'t punch the tag, I did end up with more elk on camera and also found a few sheds. Here are a couple of the more recent pictures I got from two different cameras. Having them cross in front of two separate cameras certainly helps to verify where they are going! Definitely one bull in there as well.

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