Cover Scents and what not?


New member
Aug 8, 2013
Anyone else here use those disgusting smelling elk wafers?  I do, but I'm just wondering if any of these "artificial" scents would actually be WORSE than having some good old fashion BO leaking through?

Additionally, anyone else refuse to wear an old hat while hunting? 
I make sure and wear an old hat with an elk wafer on my hat and one on my boots. I also spray down with dead down wind concealment spray before I head in and carry a small bottle with me to continue to spray down with throughout the day.
I can't stand the smell of elk pee in a bottle. I just spray down with a scent eliminater and check the wind ever chance I get.
Most of my gear smells like elk. I refresh with estrus cow scent and fresh scat on the boots. Scent eliminator sprayed on before I put hunting clothes on and they stay in plastic bags at all times,same with my pack.
But I play the wind at all times if possible.
Personal opinion only; I do not believe you can COVER your scent or mask it. Animals can split smells and will smell you, the wafer and the cow dung you accidentally stepped in earlier in the day.
I do however believe that an elk scent placed away from your scent and not mixed together can attract an elk. I base this on my expierience with whitetail hunting and using scents. I will try for the first time this year to use an elk in heat scent while sitting on a seep or wallow if I find an active one. I will put the scent out and hope the elk approaches from an angle that it will hit the scent first.
I want to be able to smell the elk, so have gotten away from the elk scents. I use a scent eliminator spray when I get out of the truck and the last couple of years have been using turpentine on my boots and hat. A long time guide told me the turpentine is a natural scent derived from pine, makes sense to me, and it's cheap.
My father in-law swears by skunk scent. he's been nearly stepped on by elk. Not sure if I could stand the smell.
My cover spray is usually primos earth scent or dead down wind. Sometimes I use elk fire as well. Elk fire is some stanky smelling stuff but I'm sure it's more appealing to the elk than my BO. I dont spray the elk fire on my clothes or body but use it on my boots. I have even used fresh scat when Im lucky enough to stumble across some. I will stomp the fresh droppings with both boots and and smear it on the top of my boots as well. now thats going natural!
I am going to have to stick with the oldest and the best cover scent out there, when ever possible a good strong dose of camp fire smoke, a scent that every elk knows and has no reason to fear.

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