

New member
Apr 30, 2014
Sometimes I have no idea what they want and it blows my mind.

How many of you have had maddening experiences with them before?
In one single day:

#1) I was cow calling to a small group of 5 cows and a bull. I started sending out some loving calls and the lead call came right over to me.
It was almost like she was seeking me out to join her and be there for her bull.

#2, same day) I snuck up on a bigger group of elk. 10 cows, 1 spike, and a big bull. Thinking to myself, \"the loving talk brought them in before, maybe it will happen again...\" NOPE.... I let three mews out and that lead cow went crazy and left. I was not allowed to be a part of her group....

#3, same day) I sneak in on a group of 7 cows, two which were little babies, and then a MONSTER bull..... I start making some calls like I was a little calf that got away and the bull started calling for me. He was coming towards me, but I got pegged by a cow. This is where it went mental. The cows all started running in front of me and around me, giving the bull time to escape...... :shock:

Do you find cows are devoted only to a herd bull at a time?
Or do you find a cow is devoted to a single bull only?

Maybe both?
Trying to under stand cows is just like trying to under stand women we can\'t out guess them
I do believe cows are devoted to a bull they instinctively believe is the best chance for healthy offspring. Some cows are totally happy with the bull they are with some are not if you\'ve ever seen a cow trying to leave a herd and the bull is trying to keep her there it\'s pretty commical. Now some cows are more open to others joining them some are the jealous type ( if we can impart that on elk I guess) and devoted may be a bit off in description just cause that would imply they have morals which they don\'t if a new suitor comes along that sends the right messages that he would be a better choice they jump ship.
Elk come into the hunter calls for two reasons.

1) Instinctually
2) Curiosity

If the hunter portrays the right impression at the right time, elk will come in.

A couple things to remember about bull/cow rutting.
1) Bulls seek out cows for rut, not the other way around.
2) Devotion has nothing to do with rut. If the bull is worthy, the cow will allow him to mate her.
4) Cow\'s don\'t run off unworthy bulls, worthy bulls do.

Main reasons elk can become alarmed from a hunters calls.
1) The elk are heavily pressured.
2) The hunter called from a location that the elk can get a good look.
3) The hunter portrayed a unnatural scenario that alarmed the elk.

So take these things I listed above an apply them to your encounters. Did you portray the right sequence without giving the elk a reason to be alarmed? Did you setup a sequence that forced the elk to come in? Did you play the instinct or curiosity card?

Sometimes you\'ll never know the reason for elk becoming alarmed at your calls. Other times, elk will damn near run you over. But to be a better caller, break down each encounter and ask yourself one important question. WHY?

My 2-cents and worth nothing more.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Elk come into the hunter calls for two reasons.

So take these things I listed above an apply them to your encounters. Did you portray the right sequence without giving the elk a reason to be alarmed? Did you setup a sequence that forced the elk to come in? Did you play the instinct or curiosity card?

Sometimes you\'ll never know the reason for elk becoming alarmed at your calls. Other times, elk will damn near run you over. But to be a better caller, break down each encounter and ask yourself one important question. WHY?

My 2-cents and worth nothing more.

In my scenarios I cannot think of anything alarming that would have made it alarming or unnatural.
To me these were a little bit of both (instinct and curiosity)

When I sent out some loving calls, I was trying to peak the bulls instinct, but like I had mentioned the lead cow came. Who knows, maybe she was coming to mess me up. :dk:

With the group with calves, I tried to peak their curiosity by sounding like a stubborn lost calf. (I have extensive knowledge on being stubborn. :haha: )

I do plan to break down each situation and ask why though. I am pretty sure we had an update thread going on last year and I managed to post some encounters and pick all of your brains on \"WHY DID THIS JUST HAPPEN?\"

I hope to do that again this year! Otherwise I will jot down all the details in a notebook and ask when I get back. :thewave:
When you learn how to figure women out, let me know. Cows are the women of the elk world! :haha: :haha: :haha:

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