Coyote question


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I was sitting over a food plot and a coyote came in, cut out in front of me to the other side of the plot (70 yards), pissed, and then started \"moon walking.\" Moon walking was the best way I could describe it because he sat in place and just pushed back dirt with all of this legs.(one leg at a time)
It was like a cat pushing cat litter over their stuff, but this was all four legs.

Was he making some type of \"scrape\"? Or something similar to the effect?
Have you seen this before?
I have seen dogs do the same thing marking their territory around the yard. I think it was just a sign of \"this is my spot\" :twisted:
I should have mentioned he did this for 10 minutes!!!!

Terry, that is kind of what I was figuring, but I wanted to ask anyways!
\"iccyman001\" said:
I should have mentioned he did this for 10 minutes!!!!

Wow 10 minutes is a long time. Usually it is just 5 or 6 scratches or kicks then on to pee on the next spot.
70 yards huh? Any arrows flung???? I know that\'s outside of your typical range, but we are talking about a coyote here... ;)
\"Tdiesel\" said:
yep marking his territory great place for a trap or just shoot him next time.

Putting a trap up sounds like a cool idea!
Or I\'ll shoot him with a gun here once deer season is over.

\"cohunter14\" said:
70 yards huh? Any arrows flung???? I know that\'s outside of your typical range, but we are talking about a coyote here... ;)

I have a 3 pin. 20/30/40 and I shoot out to 50 with it. 70 would have been a LONG shot for me
The biggest issue was timing. It was in POWER HOUR and I didn\'t wanna potentiality hit the thing and have him yelp loud and scare off a deer!

Their days are numbered. The season is about to wrap up and then I am going out with a coyote Special Operation Force team :mg:
My last dog did this. A terrier. He would put his back into it. And for a long time. I called it \"hot-rodding\" because it looked like he was doing a burn out.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
My last dog did this. A terrier. He would put his back into it. And for a long time. I called it \"hot-rodding\" because it looked like he was doing a burn out.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

bahahahaha I love it!!!
Burn out!!!!! :haha:

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