CPW Seeks Input on Wolf Restoration and Management Plan


Jul 10, 2017
Check this out and be sure to share your comments with the CPW: https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages...omment+Today+on+Colorado+Wolf+Management+Plan

In addition, the RMEF has a petition out there to sign. "The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation maintains it is necessary for the plan to include lethal take, including actively managing wolves to protect elk and deer in units below objective. It is also important that hunting is available as a management tool for biologists once wolves reach recovered criteria. Extremist groups are lobbying hard to remove these two key wildlife management components." Here is a link to that petition:

I think it's a good idea for Colorado to have wolves. You should come get them from Idaho. Take as many as you want.
Signed the petition. Hope it helps, but don’t figure it will. That would require common sense.

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