Craziness in the elk woods


New member
Aug 10, 2017
Just for the sake of BS\'ing, how about sharing some crazy things that have gone on when elk hunting...

During a hunt in Idaho my friend and I were moving side hill on an overgrown, closed logging road. A hundred yards or so ahead, we saw a black bear a few yards above the road. \"OK, we\'ll have to see if it moves off.\"

Then we see that there are two cubs in the brush with what we now know is a sow. \"OK, we won\'t go that way.\"

Then we see a coyote on the same road as us, on the other side of the bear, coming our way below the bear. \"Wow, we\'re getting to see a real wildlife extravaganza here. Isn\'t nature grand!\"

Next thing we know, the coyote has drawn even with the sow...she sees it...and she\'s chasing it full steam right into our laps. Fortunately, the coyote bailed off the logging road less than fifty yards from us, the sow gave up on the chase, and we were safe. \"That was crazy...the wily coyote almost did us in without even knowing it.\"
One fall, we had a couple wall tents set up for camp.
Each night, we would hear scurrying across the floor and a little rustling in the tents.
We thought ok, mice.
One night my buddy had something climb on his sleeping bag and he gave it a thump off and it definitely wasn\'t a mouse.
Ok, we thought a pine marten was chasing mice around.
One night, my son and I were in one tent, my 2 buddies in the other.
I woke to some rustling between the cots so I grabbed my flashlight.
You could imagine my surprise when all I saw was a white and black critter!!!
Holy cow, that tent got real small in a hurry.

In tried to wake up my son and not disturb the skunk too much.

I got my son awake and the skunk went out of the tent into my buddies tent.
I got dressed as fast as I could, went to my truck and got my pistol.

I tapped on my buddies tent to wake them only to tell them there was a skunk in their tent.
Their tent size shrunk too....

The skunk soon tired of the game of hide and seek as we were pulling stuff out of each tent as he would run from one to the other.
The funny thing was this damn little skunk would do hand stands every one in awhile. And it was spotted...
It made a dash for the woods with me close behind, flashlight in one hand, pistol in other.
It made a final attempt to do another hand stand but the bullet ended its circus act.

That was my first encounter with a Western spotted skunk

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Brad, I like how the little feller stood up tall to give you something bigger to aim at.

Moral of the story...\"don\'t mock Brad\"; particularly if you\'re a skunk.
This wasn\'t elk hunting, but Brad\'s story somehow made me think of it... A couple of years ago, we were up camping. We were just hanging around camp having a beer when the \'camp robbers\' showed up. I have seen some fairly brave ones before, but these guys were nuts. They would actually swoop at your head. I had just finished off one of those Coors Light \'pints\' in the aluminum can when one dove at me. After ducking out of the way, I threw my empty can at it trying to shoo it away. Well, apparently my super human ninja skills showed up and I somehow drilled this bird in mid air about 40 feet away from me, dropping the bird in its tracks. The empty can somehow got its neck and that was the end of it for him. I was shocked at first and felt a little bad, but at the same time it created some pretty good laughs from the surrounding peanut gallery!

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