Crazy tricks that often work!!


New member
Mar 3, 2014
What are some of the crazy or silly tricks that you have tried while elk hunting. I know Jaquomo has his elk hat. But here are a couple I have tried that worked great for me.

I very seldom hunt with a partner but I had a friend, Dick, that had never bowhunted elk before. When he showed up at the house, he didn\'t have any camo, just an old brown corduroy coat. I remember laughing at him and saying, \"I hope nobody mistakes you for an elk and shoots you\"! LOL!
It wasn\'t long before we located a bull and I proceeded to call him in. As the bull came over the crown of the hill, he stopped and looked around and instantly locked onto my friend and that darn brown corduroy coat. It had all happened so fast that Dick had no time to get setup and he was standing in front of a white aspen tree. That bull headed toward him like he had a radar lock on that brown coat Dick was wearing. He was within about 8 feet away when Dick started shaking so bad that it scared the bull off with no chance of a shot.

The second trick happened after that hunt with Dick. I got to thinking about that brown coat of his. I just couldn\'t get it off my mind and how it had worked on that bull. So I got myself a burlap feed sack and started carrying it with me on future hunts. To my reasoning, burlap feed sacks are just about the same tawny color as an elk. Well, close enough anyhow. On the next hunt, I got a chance to try it out. But not exactly like I had expected.

I has hiking in to one of my favorite spots. When I got to the edge of the hill I was on, I spotted two spike bulls feeding in an open meadow below. These guys were right in my way and there was no way around them. I really wasn\'t interested in a spike but I had to get across that open meadow and I didn\'t want to spook them. So, I came up with this hair brain skeem. I cut a stick about 3 feet long and draped the feed sack over it. I held the sack sticking out behind me with one hand to simulate the body of an elk and held my bow on top of my head to simulate antlers with my elbow pointed out in front of my face hopefully to look like the long nose of an elk. I can remember thinking to myself, \"Damn! This is so stupid it just might work. I sure hope nobody is watching me with a camera\"! Well, I walked down the hill, in plan sight, and right out across the meadow within 50 yards of the two feeding spikes. When I stepped out in the open, all they did was take a look at me as I crossed and then went back to feeding. I guess they had to notice I didn\'t have and back legs. LOL! Elk can\'t count pilgrim! Anyhow it worked.

My next trick is to try an off chute of Jaquomo\'s hat trick. I\'m going to put some eyes on the front of a dark brown ball cap. Then make a set of ears and glue them on a set of old earmuffs. This way I can remove the ears so no one will think I have completely lost my mind.

So what are some of the crazy, stupid, silly things some of you guys have tried that have worked for you. Tell me I\'m not the only crazy guy on BTO! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Not too crazy, but I had a herd of about 30 elk run past me at about 10 yards one time. I just knelt on a hillside and watched them all funnel by one, cow, cow, cow. Guess who had a bull tag? Anyway, once they all ran by me, I decided I needed to go check and make sure I didn\'t miss a legal bull somewhere in the mix. So I got up and ran towards where the herd had stopped, probably 150 yards away. I ran right into the herd and they all just stood there and watched me! :shock:

Unfortunately there was no bull there, but that tactic might come in handy some day ;)
I don\'t have any cool tricks yet, but I have some ideas that I want to try in the upcoming years.
I will report back with the results.

Thanks for sharing those, Bill.
I\'d love to hear some more :upthumb:
i only have one, and it\'s lame.

i still am amazed how you can confuse an animal if you keep your eyes blocked from view.

use anything..your bow, your rangefinder, binos..even tipping your head down so the ball cap bill obsures your beady little, blood-thirsty eyes.
remember that lady bowhunter that dropped her pants so the bighorn sheep could see her white panties and think it was another Ram coming over to say \"hey there\".??

that crazy stunt worked!!
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
remember that lady bowhunter that dropped her pants so the bighorn sheep could see her white panties and think it was another Ram coming over to say \"hey there\".??

that crazy stunt worked!!

I\'ll try that one right after you do Cliff! :lol:
in case anyone cares. hunter lady was rebecca francis. there is a youtube vid of her unorthodox stalk trick. but i cant post a vid with my skillz.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
in case anyone cares. hunter lady was rebecca francis. there is a youtube vid of her unorthodox stalk trick. but i cant post a vid with my skillz.

Boy not to many folks liking on her. I looked her up and reading some of the comments made me turn around and hide !! I watched her grizzly hunt where she stocked up to 25 yards for a bow shot and the bear just watches her !! I can\'t figure out if she is brain dead or brave or just doesn\'t have a clue..........maybe being she is little the bear wasn\'t seeing her as a threat.

I\'m going to try that on the next grizzly I see.............ya right !! I\'m twice her size and the bear would think I\'m a threat for sure !!

Not sure if that was her trick but it worked on that bear !! LOL

Not really crazy but I\'m going to try some rattling this year. Two big forks cut off one of my smaller bulls should do.

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