Dealing with mosquitos

Lucas in Wa

New member
Jan 2, 2013
Last fall was hot and dry here so mosquitos were not an issue, but that will not always be the case. How do you deal with skeeters, no-see-ums, etc? I picked up a thermacell, but have not used it yet. I know a lot of people swear by them and say they won't get you winded. Thoughts?
Never had any issues with mosquitoes in Colorado mountains even in early September.
Here in PA is a different story. My wife uses a thermacell, but I never have.
The thermacell has worked great for us.  We get into some swampy marshy stuff here in WA and it keeps them away.  We just don't always think to bring it along.  I think "OFF" makes a cheaper model-haven't tried it though. 
Here in WA they can get pretty bad sometimes but this year was not as bad as last year. We found a swamp area that we hunted for couple days and it looked like those guys you see hunting up in the tundra...yuck. So this year a purchased a Thermacell but didn't end up using it so I'm glad to hear people say they work well. Can't wait to test it out :)
Only time I have had issues is in July and August while scouting. I have a small can of repel scent free repellent that works good unless your in Idaho in July and then you can't find enough repellent or anywhere to escape. I had to climb in my bicycle sack with netting and still had the damn things buzzing me all night.
Here in Oregon they can get pretty bad. Sometimes I am convinced they are attracted to Merino Wool. I've never really thought about controlling them. I just deal with them and try to keep moving :)
I'm not aware of any way to deal with the if you are moving. However, if you are staying put for a while Thermacell works great. Also a sheet of Bounce dryer sheest clipped to the hat will do the trick as well.
I live in Georgia and between mosquitos, no seeums, ticks, chiggers, etc. we try a little anything to keep the bugs away but the Therma Cell is just important to us as our gun/bow if we want to stay in the woods.  We have mosquitos pretty much year round. 
We hunt a lot of river/creek bottoms and you can actually hear them coming up out of the wet areas in the afternoon...when you hear that sound you better already have it going.  We also using them when fishing at night or int he tent to keep them that slip in and want to harrass you all night.
The Thermal Cell is a tool I will not leave home without.  They are very effective.  I have had game directly down wind and they never smelled it.
Hint...the butane refills can also be bought at a WalMart, etc. in the womens make upo area.  They are used in travel curling irons and are a lot cheaper than the thermal cell brand.  We always have more pads left than butane cannisters.
ghost said:
I'm not aware of any way to deal with the if you are moving. However, if you are staying put for a while Thermacell works great. Also a sheet of Bounce dryer sheest clipped to the hat will do the trick as well.

..may be a stupid question for my first post. But regarding the bounce sheet... do you use a standard sheet? Worried about the scent?
You can burn green boughs from pine/fir/spruce and "smudge" with the thick white smoke it gives off which will repel not only mosquitoes but other bugs as well.  If you don't mind smelling like smoke it's not a bad way to go.  We do this during summer hiking trips and it works pretty good.  I've put it up against deet my pals were using and it seemed like i got bit as much as they did.  You can also use the ash after a fire of boughs as well, mixed in with some water.

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