I have an awesome archery elk spot but never see deer in there. It's up at timberline and in 4 years of elk hunting I've only seen two bucks. Is this common? I'd think not. I'm looking at different areas to hunt both animals in. Do guys do this??
There are several places in Utah where you can find both in the same general area. As I have hunted areas of Colorado and Idaho we see tons of elk and very few deer so it really depends but their are places you can find both.
I rarely see deer while elk hunting probably due to the noise I make while elk hunting. Elk are social so I'm always making noise looking for them and do not pay as much attention to deer. But if I decide to still hunt for whatever reason, I have then seen deer while hunting elk. I do believe there are places where you will find elk and not deer and that is probably due to their different diets. Elk can eat a lot of stuff that deer will not so elk have a larger range then deer do.
I see deer around the elk all the time on the oregon coast. In fact one of my favorite benches to hunt requires I go in real slow and sneaky to get past the deer that are always on there, else if I blow the deer out, the elk tend to seem to be more on edge.
I had a bull make a blowing/snorting sound once as a couple does approached him. They hightailed it out of there. That was interesting.
Here in Montana I see elk and deer together all the time I have actually shot my deer while gutting my elk once and shot my elk while gutting my deer once.have many times been sneaking in on elk and had deer bust me and scar the elk.
Believe it or not I witnessed a bull elk chashing two white tails in the heat of the rut. This was in North Dakota on my once in a life time tag but it was a very weird thing to see. Shocked me and the bull imedietly responded to a cow call after.....must have been ready for anything.
I hunt archery deer and rifle elk OTC in UT. This year on my archery deer hunt I saw elk every single day. I was 40 yards form a nice 5pt one morning. Another morning was 40yards from a cow when a band of bucks walked behind her. I was able to get in front of them and get my buck. Sometimes I consider getting a elk tag too. Where I rifle elk hunt I have only seen 2 does ever, no other deer. Both areas are high country at tree line.