Discouraging Signs


New member
Mar 2, 2014
The \"What sign do you like the best?\" thread made me think a bit.

No \"sign\" will tell you elk will come back to THAT SPOT ... they\'re all just \"hints\" on the \"test\" ... not answers.

But there are some signs that are BAD ... no-doubt-about-it-bad.

What do you \"find\" or fail to find in the woods that makes you think: \"I\'m in the wrong part of this unit and I need to move\"?
Swedes treestands :lol:

For me it\'s cows. The moo moo kind.
I don\'t like when they are around. Doesn\'t matter if it\'s whitetail hunting or elk hunting. If they show up, I leave.
I don\'t like seeing hunter orange or snow greater than 12\"-15\". I know what Brad means about the candy wrappers as well. Any sign that there have been humans in the area aren\'t that welcoming to me. Boot tracks also rank up there as do ATV\'s that aren\'t on a designated trail.

As far as the cattle stuff is concerned, I have never seen it as an issue. I have seen elk within a few hundred yards of a solid herd of cattle.
\"cohunter14\" said:
As far as the cattle stuff is concerned, I have never seen it as an issue. I have seen elk within a few hundred yards of a solid herd of cattle.

All cattle were supposed to be off the allotment by 9/9/14 where I hunt. They were supposed to be all off, except the ones being trailed through the last pasture on their way to the trucks, where they were to be loaded out by 9/3/14. As usual they were still around in mid October. The forage was badly over grazed well before that time, as the area was experiencing a drought. No one counts the cattle put out, and it is supposed to be an honor system. That is discouraging. It is discouraging that the elk flee the public land, to go onto the private land, due in no small part to the over grazing going on over much of the Malheur National Forest, AKA Manure N.F.
Swede, I can see how overgrazing can definitely cause issues. I thought you were just talking about cattle being in the area in general.
Sheep as far as the eye can see :downthumb:

Four rigs parked at every trailhead :downthumb:

No fresh tracks or sign in areas that should be covered up in it. :downthumb:
i was discouraged about the lack fresh sign for the first day and a half last year. but when i finally did find it, it was crazy! so its back to the same age old question, how long do you hunt a spot before moving on without finding sign.....
\"Swede\" said:
\"cohunter14\" said:
As far as the cattle stuff is concerned, I have never seen it as an issue. I have seen elk within a few hundred yards of a solid herd of cattle.

All cattle were supposed to be off the allotment by 9/9/14 where I hunt. They were supposed to be all off, except the ones being trailed through the last pasture on their way to the trucks, where they were to be loaded out by 9/3/14. As usual they were still around in mid October. The forage was badly over grazed well before that time, as the area was experiencing a drought. No one counts the cattle put out, and it is supposed to be an honor system. That is discouraging. It is discouraging that the elk flee the public land, to go onto the private land, due in no small part to the over grazing going on over much of the Malheur National Forest, AKA Manure N.F.

man isn\'t there a fee in the Northwest??? if we have cattle on a month after our off date we get fined per head some times it really sucks gettting some wild renegades back to the corral. in my single days I used to ride for other ranchers (if we had ours) to help get them off at last date if you couldn\'t we were instucted to shoot them cause the fine was more than the cow was worth. had some pretty crazy stories and adventures on a horse and basically hunting. One had about six cows that only came out in the parks to feed at night and bedded in the dark timber(sounds familiar) finally got five out kinda wild riding though

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