Do you stop a deer or not?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I am sure all of you have seen the tv shows where some hunter lets out a \"MEH\" to stop the deer, then shoot.

My question for you guys is, do you do this?

I normally do not stop the deer. I shoot them at a specific time when they are calm and not aware that I am there.
I have tried the whole \"meh\" thing once. The deer looked right at me, I shoot, and he ducked my arrow.....

Not very effective for me.....

How about you?
I have done it many times. I only do it if they are not going to stop and give me a shot. If they are calm and feeding or moving slow I will just wait for a shot opportunity.

One thing I learned is if you do stop them with a sound you need to already have your pin on them and be ready to shoot the instant they stop. The sound of your shot will get to them before your arrow.
I will admit, that is where I definitely messed up, Francis.

I said meh when I was looking at him, then went to my peep.
Big mistake!
\"F M\" said:
I have done it many times. I only do it if they are not going to stop and give me a shot. If they are calm and feeding or moving slow I will just wait for a shot opportunity.

One thing I learned is if you do stop them with a sound you need to already have your pin on them and be ready to shoot the instant they stop. The sound of your shot will get to them before your arrow.

Well said. I agree with all of this and it has always been my policy. I\'ve stopped and killed a ton of WT
I stop most all of my deer unless they are under 20yds and moving real slow. I make the noise when I am on the spot and moving with the target. I make the noise and almost instantly they stop and I release the arrow. I have never had it cause me to miss or lose a shot.
Yes, many times. You\'ll watch a lot of nice bucks go by without getting a shot if you don\'t!

Elk? I\'m not qualified to answer that one.
\"bowhunter\" said:
\"iccyman001\" said:
Do you guys stop elk or other game the same way?

If the elk wasn\'t real close and moving real slow. I would give him a quick bark and fire.

Yep...bark and release! No hesitation. The bull will be hit before he realizes what is going on, it\'s a very effective tactic.
I always stop deer unless they happen to stop natural. I make sure I am at full draw and ready to shoot before I do stop them.
I do stop fast walking deer or cruising bucks. Here\'s why... I look at it like this, I practice on a stationary target and quite frankly, I\'m not good at shooting at moving animals. I know, I have tried and the results were not as good. Of all the animals that were moving quickly and I had to stop, I\'ve killed every one. To me, it\'s the difference in being able to really settle your pin or arrow in or making an errant shot. Also, I have never spooked an animal by stopping it. Like others, if an animal is going to offer me a shot by feeding or such, I will find a shot when the animal offers it. To those that can shoot moving animals... You\'re a better shot than I am. :)
My biggest take away from my incident and what it seems you guys do different, is having them in your peep before you stop them.
My buck was moving, I drew, but instead of stopping him while he was in my peep, I hit him with a \"meh, then went to the peep.

He saw my movement and I lost that battle ;)

Lesson leaned, that won\'t happened again!
one year, we hiked way in. 11 miles of suck.

planned for a 7 day pack hunt. craziest hunt ever due to inexperience on everyone\'s part. one guy brought crap food and had to eat my stuff..took me down to a 5 day hunt. he brought mac/cheese cups, cup of noodles and the biggest bag of regular M&M\'s.

i parked it at a mineral lick..something was in the soil that deer kept licking. i stayed there, until i didnt..looked back and there were five bucks licking away. i tried to creep back..blew them all out and they never came back..CRAP!

my good buddy Justin got in a great spot. big wide deer walked to him and turned broadside..kept walking slowly. i whispered..\"Stop him and shoot\"
my friend says, \"BOO\" BOO!!! he said BOO! that deer went from a walk to warp speed. and kept going. it never slowed down.

i laughed my ass off. my buddy said, \"man, that was the first word that came to mind\". hahaha.. it was awesome. BOO!
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
my good buddy Justin got in a great spot. big wide deer walked to him and turned broadside..kept walking slowly. i whispered..\"Stop him and shoot\"
my friend says, \"BOO\" BOO!!! he said BOO! that deer went from a walk to warp speed. and kept going. it never slowed down.

i laughed my ass off. my buddy said, \"man, that was the first word that came to mind\". hahaha.. it was awesome. BOO!

That\'s hilarious. You know, he wasnt\' far off...if he would have said the same thing while blowing air (like a tire with it\'s valve removed)...that buck would have stopped in his tracks!

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