do your turkey regs have anything weird?

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
okay, not weird.

frustrating. in CA, we have to pack it up at 4:00pm!! no shooting after four during the spring hunt. believe me. 4:15 is when the birds start motoring back and forth to their favorite night spots. good time to watch them, but it is tough with our bows packed up for the night.
Yep, they want let me kill any jakes anymore... And that seems to be all I can find dumb enough to come to my calls... :downthumb: :downthumb:
Can\'t use anything electronic including range finders. No head lopers, for some reason they are considered barbed.
mo is 1pm elky. i used to think that sucked for the same reasons you do, but now it just gives me time to get out of the woods and go fishing. plus nobody is blowing my birds off the roost.
also, shot size has to be 4 or smaller
1 bird the first week and 1 bird the last two weeks, or 2 birds the last two weeks but only 1 a day. so we cant limit out when two come in together even though we have tags.

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