Don\'t Retire The Calls Yet


New member
Mar 31, 2014
How many of you have put away the tube/call because every time you try, the bulls just don\'t respond?

There\'s two basic strategies that I use.

1) Give the bull what he wants and then if that doesn\'t work,
2) Give the bull what he doesn\'t want.

During rut, a bulls instinct is to breed every hot cow because he wants the monarch. And when I can\'t use that against him, I give him what he doesn\'t want. Another bull challenging his dominant right or another bull trying to hook one of \"his\" cows.

So who has experienced a bull that is in defense mode only? Sometimes I can cow call and not hear response. Then I follow up with a bugle and get a very aggressive answer. So I guess at times, starting with #2 can be a good thing.

For me, over thinking callings situations can lead to confusion. So I keep it very simple. What he wants or doesn\'t want.

Tell me your thoughts?
Different calls work in different areas and in different situations. If you are careful there is probably a good call to use, but some areas are mere difficult than others.
I have seen some days where what worked the day before wont even get a response.
There have been times when just slipping thru the timber listening & looking have made opportunities

A hunter has to adjust to the temperament of the elk