Drive by elk


New member
Sep 3, 2017
True story (Mommawana is my witness).

So we are hunting up on the flattops (unit 25), and decide to take a day off to grab ice and stuff (More of a camping trip this go around).

We stop to answer the call of nature before heading down the hill. What do my ears hear less than 300 yards away (Measured on GE), but a bunch of elk bedded down in a clump of Aspen on the other side of the draw. I couldn\'t believe it. Yea I had my bow with me, but after looking at the situation decided it would be very difficult to attack these guys.

1. They are bedded in a location with a clear view of the draw between the road and their bedding spot.
2. The wind is coming from the side with the most most approach cover
3. Need more beer

This is a great example of how you can drive right past a good spot, without even giving it second look. A person could probably attack this from the opposite side, but would need to walk a good ways to get up behind them.


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I am sure I have driven by countless elk in my hunting life, but I have never had an opportunity to get one on a drive by shooting. I have never observed one from my vehicle and worked in for a kill.
I have, but it was the next morning before I made the successful call, setup and shot on my second six point bull.

But once when I was guiding rifle hunters on a private ranch I stopped by a line of vehicles parked beside the state highway. They were all watching a herd of somewhere around 300 elk on an open sage hillside about 1/2 mile into the ranch. I talked with some guys who had no idea I was the head guide there. They were going on and on about how they wished somebody would push those elk across the highway to the public. I said \"Well, I guess we\'ll go shoot those elk and maybe scare them over\". The guys all started laughing. One said, \"The hell you will, that\'s private land!\"

So I drove another half mile down the road and through the gate, coordinated my hunters with the other guide\'s hunters coming up from the other side, and we had us a shoot-a-ree. Funniest thing was to watch the line of vehicles following those elk, parallelling them, which effectively kept them from crossing the highway onto the public land where all the guys could\'ve shot them if they\'d kept their trucks where they were originally parked. :crazy:
I think more hunter drive by areas holding elk than we\'ll ever know.
The bull I shot on mount deception was a good example.
3:00 in the afternoon just driving up the road looking for a muley for my hunting partner.
The 7X5 was standing 20 yards from the forest service road with 15 cows.
I was able to park my truck, grab my bow out of the case in the back seat and walk up the hill a bit and arrow him.
While dressing the bull out there were at least 5 other bulls in the area bugling. My partner tried to put the sneak on a couple but never closed the gap.
That was on the second to last day of the season.