EHJ Issue 140 page 76


New member
Sep 3, 2013
Howdy.  On Eastmans' Hunting Journal Issue 140 and on page 76, does anyone care to guess the scores on these three bulls, left to right? If you haven't seen the picture of these bulls, you are missing a great photograph of three VERY LARGE bulls together!!!
OK everyone. Either no one is reading Eastman's Hunting Journal and replying here OR you have no idea of these scores. I'll start if off on my best guesses of gross scores. First the left bull, then the middle bull, then the right bull here's what I have on each bulls' left side then right side:

The left most bull appears to be a 9 X 6 @ 380 gross. Check out the G3's length and left side G3 has a kicker. G4 area has a small kicker and long split.

The bull in the middle appears to be an awesome 6 X 6 @ 375 gross. Nice G4s, and very long thick rack.

The right most bull appears to be a 7(small kicker on 4th) X 7 @ 380 gross. Check out the G4 cluster on his right side.

This is an awesome picture of three great bulls together!!! There's some serious mass here! These are my best guesses. What are your guesses? AND, which one would you shoot if you had the chance for anyone of these?
I don't get the magazine but did search online for the photo. 3 super stud bulls for sure! I would think from this angle all 3 are approaching 390 with big mass and length for all 3.
Thanks Jeremiah Johnson.  I wonder where/which state this photo was taken in.  I know EHJ is based in WY, and that article was about WY tags, but that guarantees nothing.  What a nicely difficult decision to make which one to shoot if given the opportunity. Which one for you JJ?
Difficult decision for sure....I am a straight 6 kind of guy, that being said I would go for the 9x6 as you don't get many opps at a nontyp of that quality.

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