Elk Feeding Habits


New member
Jan 7, 2016
First time elk hunter here. Trying my luck out on a bow hunt in early September in Idaho. I have a few questions. Most of what I have studied says elk water & feed at lower elevation and bed at higher elevations. [/size]Do they ever change that up? A few places I have found on GE, it looks like there are some high elevation plains that hold good green vegetation. Would they feed up and then down the mountain a little to bed? Just wondering if I should only look for feeding areas in the lower elevations. I am Google Earthed out.
Usually but theres always exceptions to the rules, but the best way I found to verify elk are using the food source is go there!  If your there, and the elk are there then you know. If they are not using it, get out ASAP and find a more traditional feed low bed high situation. The key is to have 10 good areas in mind and check them out until you find the elk. Don't commit to any 1 area, no matter how good it "should" be.  Good luck!

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