Elk Hunting Seminar!


Nov 30, 2012
OK guys and gals, I need your input. I'm working on my 2014 Elk Hunting Seminar schedule and outline, and want to know what topic(s) you'd be interested in hearing at a seminar? What's the one thing you wish someone would explain at an elk hunting seminar?
Calling - When to use which type of call
Scouting - On the ground and Google Earth
Habitat - What to look for during certain times of the year.
Equipment - Base camp and Bivy hunts, what do you need, and what is a waste of pack space

I'm sure I'll have more to add
Oh yeah

These 2014 Elk Hunting Seminars, will they be coming to the midwest at all or will we be able to buy a video copy?
I like what RichZ mentioned!
    -Maybe where and how to Bivy hunt in relation to the elk?(Might be mentioned in the University video. Haven' t had a chance to watch all of it yet)
    -Would really like to know what you  bring in your pack on a 7-10 day backcountry bivy hunt for elk!
And the midwest seminar or video availability would also be awesome!!!
What would be interesting to me is more tips on looking at USGS topo maps ......speculating on where elkwould be bedding, feeding, and watering/drainages, etc to formulate a game plan.  Most elk hunters from the Eastern states cannot put boots on the ground to scout ahead of the archery season.  We learn what we can while we are hunting and make notes on what sign and elk we see each year.
How about how to get some sleep while your hunting partners snoring is shaking the tent :) - if not how about a little about after the shot- proper care/processing and cooling for the meat
I like what richz had but I like to focus on reading signs of habitat change like hunting the pressured elk with heavy hunting or predator pressure.
Also it would be nice to have a Garmin rep there cause so many hunters use their products they could give lessens & tips for scouting and reading maps learning terrain from home for pre scouting.

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