Do you make any preparations regarding if the terrible \"What if\"s happen while you are in the woods?
I\'m thinking of this today since we\'re just a few days away from when Wife and I were planning on being incommunicado with the \"world\" for a week (planning on packing into the wilderness for some vacation) and, as we were packing last night, got a call about a sudden, unexpected death in the family.
Obviously, this changes things, but if we were just a few days ahead of today, we\'d never know, nor be able to support the family and take care of our duties. We\'d instead just be camping, outside of cell range, unaware. Since we were headed for a spot about 12-15 miles into wilderness, we weren\'t planning on any sort of mid-week-walk-to-the-trailhead-and-call-home activity.
(Now, if the situation is reversed, and the sudden, unexpected death is ME in the backcountry, I hope they don\'t find me at all! Leave me in God\'s country, I say, and if any of you find me, you can help yourself to whatever gear you want!)
I\'m thinking of this today since we\'re just a few days away from when Wife and I were planning on being incommunicado with the \"world\" for a week (planning on packing into the wilderness for some vacation) and, as we were packing last night, got a call about a sudden, unexpected death in the family.
Obviously, this changes things, but if we were just a few days ahead of today, we\'d never know, nor be able to support the family and take care of our duties. We\'d instead just be camping, outside of cell range, unaware. Since we were headed for a spot about 12-15 miles into wilderness, we weren\'t planning on any sort of mid-week-walk-to-the-trailhead-and-call-home activity.
(Now, if the situation is reversed, and the sudden, unexpected death is ME in the backcountry, I hope they don\'t find me at all! Leave me in God\'s country, I say, and if any of you find me, you can help yourself to whatever gear you want!)