Everyone go long! Hail Mary!!!

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
Just put in for a unicorn hunt. California elk. Tule elk. 8 tags. Haha it would be sweet cuz it\'s so close to home.

Whatever. I have a few points saved. Go long!!

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Good luck. Threw my name in a few times. No luck. I do know a couple people who have got it. A buddy with a disabled vet tag and another guy that just got lucky!
That\'s kind of like the Arkansas elk tags... 20 tags usually 8 bull and 12 cow of which 2 (both bull)are give to the RMEF to raffle off, 4 are dedicated for youth....

I\'ve applied every year and there is no such thing as a PP just luck of the draw from a squirrel cage at the annual elk festival in Jasper...

I don\'t figure I\'ll ever draw but I\'ll keep trying and if I do I\'ll see if I can give my tag to someone else or drag myself out somewhere and hope one tries to run over me... :D :D
Haha. I used to just get a point. Then it dawn on me to just try. I end up w the same point. I\'m not hat smart.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

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