First Bull Solo


New member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess I am ment to get my first bull solo. I had plans to have another hunter meet me for week 2 but his plans changed. He had all vacation cancelled for everyone till mid November. So I asked another to join me for a few days. His work did not allow him to get time off either. I am glad I can take 3 weeks off from my work with no problems. I will be solo for 3 weeks. I might start talking to the camp robbers and chipmunks around camp :lol: . I plan to give it my best effort and stick it out to the end. Packing help would be nice but oh well you gotta do what ya gotta do to get the job done. I might even get some fishing in too.
Sorry to here your buddy can\'t go. Having to work sucks in hunting season. If the camp robbers and chipmunks start answering you, you know you have been in camp to long :lol:
Same thing happened to me although none of my buddies really acted like they were all in. One did for awhile and then backed out. I\'m going out for 2 weeks but am leaving with the understanding that if I think I\'m really into some elk I may not make it back as scheduled. The way things have been going the last week, I\'m looking forward to some alone time though.
Terry, You could post your general location, not GMU and see if you can get a PM from someone who may be hunting in the same general area.

Are you going to a brand new spot or is it a spot you have camped at over the years? If it is a new spot, you may start conversing with the regulars that are there. In my location, I chat with the out of town regulars and the locals. I know if needed, I could stop at their camp and they would help me if needed. I once gave a ride to 2 out of towners that got a little confused as to where their camp was after reaching the road. Now, they always stop at my camp for a chat.
Could end up being a great opportunity for you going solo. I often hunt solo for two or more weeks out of the year in the area I hunt. I have also made friends with some of the others who normally hunt the area and feel comfortable if I get in a trouble or need help walking into their camp and asking for it.

One of the mods on here is known for talking to owls while sitting in his tree stand, so if the chipmunks and camp robbers are not talking back, you might see if \"Hootie\" will give you some tips on speaking the owl language. :D
\"mtnmutt\" said:
Terry, You could post your general location, not GMU and see if you can get a PM from someone who may be hunting in the same general area.

Are you going to a brand new spot or is it a spot you have camped at over the years? If it is a new spot, you may start conversing with the regulars that are there. In my location, I chat with the out of town regulars and the locals. I know if needed, I could stop at their camp and they would help me if needed. I once gave a ride to 2 out of towners that got a little confused as to where their camp was after reaching the road. Now, they always stop at my camp for a chat.

I will be near Steamboat Spings. It is a new spot for me but I have some good intel on the area and I have been looking it over. I like the looks of it. I have several spots marked in the GPS to check out.
\"Stringunner\" said:
One of the mods on here is known for talking to owls while sitting in his tree stand, so if the chipmunks and camp robbers are not talking back, you might see if \"Hootie\" will give you some tips on speaking the owl language. :D

:haha: :haha: :tease:
Bowhunter, I think once you get past the initial thought of being alone, you can focus on the hunt and having a good time. I call home daily just to let my wife know everything is good, and to know she is doing well.
Terry I\'m about 80 miles from you. My relatives tell me I\'m a good pack mule.Strong back weak mind :D I can pick up WW when I go through Craig. ;) and help you pack out your big bull when you get him.
There you go Terry, now you have 4 guys in camp! See what you just did to yourself? :lol:

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