Fletching arrows

Bob Frapples

Mar 10, 2014
Any tips to fletching these new small diameter arrow shafts? Specifically I\'m building FMJ 340\'s and 400\'s.
I use a BITZENBURGER jig but my first attempt on these small diameter arrows wasn\'t up to my satisfaction. Does anyone use kicker on the glue or just let it dry at room temp? The glue smells as it is nothing but CA medium glue I used to build rc airplanes with.

Right now I\'m going with 2\" blazers but I can imagine a longer fletch will be real fun to put on with a helical.
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.bohning.com/blazerr-helix-fletching-jig\">http://www.bohning.com/blazerr-helix-fletching-jig</a><!-- m --> This is what I use along with bohning platinum glue. Takes a little more time one arrow at a time but works good.
You should be able to adjust the Bitzens to the diameter of the shaft fairly well. Put the vane in the clamp with no glue and adjust with the for and aft knob on the Magnet.
My second round at fletching was much better, an extra light bulb and reading glasses helped :evil:

When I shot feathers I had better luck with straight/offset, but these little blazers the straight offset is almost un perceivable to my eyes.
I got a couple with rh helix, a couple rh helical and some with 1/4 of the rh offset plus helical that look like they will be the perfect mix. Got to get some field points for these darn smaller axis shaft then put them to the true tests.
I fought my blitz with small diameter arrows & blazers also. Ended up picking up an Arizona EZ fletch mini & all is good.Faster also! :upthumb:
Timberland hit it right on the head. I did my victory small dia. arrows without a problem. The light works great for looking at the base of the blazer to make sure you have a small bead of glue the whole length.

\"timberland\" said:
You should be able to adjust the Bitzens to the diameter of the shaft fairly well. Put the vane in the clamp with no glue and adjust with the for and aft knob on the Magnet.
Yep. I use Gold Tip Tip Grip glue on my vanes. No problems.
Practice makes perfect, I\'ve gotten a lot better. Good thing about the alluminum shafts is no damage to them when I get an uh-oh on a fletch:)

I noticed with the 2inch blazers the helical clamp is basically none existent without adding an offset. I also got some low profile 4\" that look turned out really professional looking.

Now to play with the different fletching arrangements and compare the 340\'s to the 400\'s. As of yet nothing is really jumping out as better or worse.