Flies for early season high country lakes


New member
Sep 3, 2017
I\'m thinking about heading up to Chicago Lakes on Sunday.

What would be a good choice of flies to take up there?

The elevation is about 11K. The lakes site right below Mt. Evans.

Small hoppers with your choice of nymph as a dropper; Pheasant Tail nymph , Hare\'s Ear, Midges, damsel fly nymph, prince nymph, etc.

Any BWO pattern, size 16ish, and again a dropper.

Throw some small buggers as well and strip them slowly.

It\'s a good time for any terrestrials; beetles, hoppers, etc.

We should plan a trip to my favorite local canyon and throw mice patterns at dusk...Oh My...
What the heck is a dropper?

I can only afford to buy about 1/2 dozen something. Just trying to get the most bang for my $. Heck I may not even like fly fishing.

Mice patterns. How big are those cat fish? (Just being goofy).
11,000 ft? Just about any good ice fishing lure will work. Don\'t forget the snow shoes! :haha:
I drove by Joe Wright Res. last Saturday and it was still covered in ice.
That was about 10,500ft

A dropper on fly is another fly tied on the shank with a light leader, typically a nymph pattern.
In August a \'hopper with a dropper\' is deadly combination
That is a grasshopper imitation with a nymph tied on.
Sometimes you can catch a double!

Looks like the consensus is to go lower. Do you have any recommendations for a lake where a newbie fly looser can have a decent chance of catching a few trout?

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