Fluorescent flagging tape

I do!

Ive changed my use for it though. I am no longer flagging ways to get into my stand.....
It\'s more for marking random locations, blood trails, post shot location marking (after I take a shot I burn the last spot I saw the deer in my head. Then I run over and mark it.)

It\'s very useful.
I have it as well. Similar to Dan, I used to mark certain paths, etc. I\'m a lot smarter about that now...
I still carry it and use some but not on public land. Like others, it\'s more for marking something other than a trail to a hunting spot or stand. I use my GPS for that. When I used it on public land, I would mark the opposite side of a trail where I wanted to go and even would go in a few hundred yards and put up some more hoping to lead folks the other way.
Heck yes I have it! I used it to mark every single drop of blood to my deer last year! I then strung about 20 yards around the site where I found her. I wasn\'t sure if I\'d be making multiple trips so figured it was better to have it well marked. Turns out the looming darkness was enough motivation to grab everything in one load. :train: It took us forever to pick up the tape on the way out though. :roll:
i dont.

i find it last too long. one spot in AZ has it all over the place. no one over there, seems to pick it up on their way out.

tracking blood. i have always had a partner. we leap frog when it gets challenging. one person finds blood he stays put until the other is onto the next spot. repeat.

maybe the stuff i find is construction marking tape. that stuff is robust. if i have to track solo..i drop squares of TP. it bio degrades fast!

at night, second load. i put a flashing beacon in a tree..then mark GPS..i find it gets me close enough that some dumb wandering can find me the flashy light. that ROAD I.D. flashing light is so bright and so compact. it is fantastic. it is clipped to my hunting pack 100%. i turn it on when we hike out in pitch dark. it is strangly comforting when you can see each others flash.. so when the imaginary wolf pack drags away a partner....haha.
Yes. I have some pre-cut strips for 5 years now in my kill kit and have yet to have the pleasure of using them. I since added reflective guyline that picks up headlamps very well.

I also have 2 of those small bike clip lights for night kills. They can flash for a long time.
We\'ve got several rolls around.

I sometimes do take it, and it has a lot of uses.

Glad we\'ll have some in camp! Thanks, Brad.
I have some lights like Patricia mentioned. I have 4 white ones and one red one. I have the white ones spread out a distance as long as I can see the next one. I use the red one at the meat or carcass so I know to be on alert when I come back in the dark for other large meat eating critters. They are light weight and last a long time. I use the flagging tape some too. I use the reflective flagging tape.

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<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"https://www.google.com/shopping/product/3921919027063377360?q=reflective+flagging+tape&biw=1024&bih=577&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.100742971,d.aWw&tch=1&ech=1&psi=wCHWVc3bBcb8yQTR6ZPwBA.1440096705006.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX4JX1XFHW96SYDGiC3Ql1YLiBUuGwS2ez2aQ0aNI0Rtm0nrxsnL2VRr7oJfHeYFlxBWOZW3VMgejNwMZxbSx0ECdAI86rRJ5XxnNwhRxiKBUxzoFkxIZAFPVH72QohQqBdI1WbWXlq1ZwU3jp0VnUQ&ved=0CAwQpitqFQoTCNjDqq-quMcCFYEUkgodMx0JNQ&ei=2CHWVdj3AYGpyASzuqSoAw\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">https://www.google.com/shopping/product ... yASzuqSoAw</a><!-- m -->
Yep I always have some in my pack. Mainly use it for marking blood trails.
I have a roll of it around here some where. Sometimes it\'s in my pack and some times not. I don\'t worry about it much because I can always find plenty of it hanging on trees all over the place.

As far as blood trails go, I use toilet paper. You don\'t have to go back and pick it up. The first good rain will dissolve it and it is biodegradable.
Yep...especially with all the beetlekill-blowdowns mucking up the trails. Easy to get way off the trail in the dark.

I find that the elk know the best way to navigate the blowdown pixie-stick nightmare. So during daylight I mark the best elk trail out/in.

Makes it really nice in the pitch darkness!
I still have a roll, but I have no idea why I bother. It is good to use when blood trailing, but that is all. For that chore I can use rocks or sticks, and save the weight in my pack.
Kinda like Swede. I have a roll in my day pack but have never used it. Guess I keep it there thinking if I took it out I\'d probably need it and wouldn\'t have it!
yep, used it last year for my bulls blood trail. made it nice and easy to find again when we had to back out and come back the next day!
Yup. I as well used it last year to mark every single drop of blood to track my doe. Probably wasn\'t necessary but it\'s what we did. I will say it was helpful to look back and see the path the deer had been taking, when we were having trouble finding the next set of blood we would use that to guesstimate where she \"should\" have been headed according to her previous travels
\"Atfrith\" said:
Yup. I as well used it last year to mark every single drop of blood to track my doe. Probably wasn\'t necessary but it\'s what we did. I will say it was helpful to look back and see the path the deer had been taking, when we were having trouble finding the next set of blood we would use that to guesstimate where she \"should\" have been headed according to her previous travels

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