Found tracks, should I follow or try to cut off


New member
Oct 14, 2013
While hunting this past weekend, I came into a semi-difficult to reach valley in a wilderness area.  The valley had a nice snow covered meadow and a small creek.  I found tracks and bedding spots for 10-15 elk that looked to be less than a day old.  The tracks were leaving the area heading down stream, away from the main hiking trails. 
This is my second elk season, and I was unsure what the best tactic to take would be.

It seems my choices were
1. Follow the tracks, the elk have a minimum of a 4-5 hour head start and the wind will be at my back.
2. Wait in the area to see if the elk return that night
3. Try to go to the end of the valley by truck (about 6 or 7 miles away) and walk upstream hoping to run into the heard.
4. Try something else that I didn't think of.

I’m new and still learning tactics.  My question for the forum is, what would you have done and can you help me understand why.
I would try to get up top and glass the south facing slopes or open meadows below. You might be able to get away with following them if the snow is wet and soft.....but you said the wind is at your back? DONT FOLLOW. They will bust out before you know it and you can follow tracks all you want with no elk to come.
Its all about knowing your area and the habits of the elk in your area, ten diff answers and  all ten of them are right and all ten are wrong all depends on the habits of the elk to that area.

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