getting the itch


New member
Jan 15, 2013
Well the itch has arrived!! I am eagerly awaiting the season ahead. So with that in mind i have steped up my work out plan even though i have been plagued with sickness. We have been chopping wood hiking and the gym. i cant wait i have started the count down, the 3-D shoots and shooting in the yard all winter have kept me sharp. So with that said i just want to sat to every one if you have not got of yer lump the time is now start running ect. and shooting that bow. and i hope to see many great pics and stories this year.

What's yer plan of attack. Dan
Hey Dan, It's crazy, turkey season starts Saturday and I have a hard time focusing on it because I keep thinking about what I should be doing to get ready for elk season. I have been shooting 3d and Field archery targets, plus back yard targets. Plan is to turkey hunt with my bow, so I can be better for elk season....haven't started the workout routine yet, but soon. :)
I could get the itch real quick, although it wasn't in the plans to go this year, it could become a reality come mid summer. I am trying to keep my anticipation in check so I am not discouraged if I can't go. Its about 50/50 right now.
Ive got the itch REAL bad. Turkey season for us opens the 15th of April and I'm going to be trying to get one with my bow almost every day!
My itch to get back in the woods never goes away. But I'm not complaining. I love the anticipation of hunting season.

Turkey season open April 22 here in Michigan so that will keep me busy with trying to get my 9 and 13 year old's opportunities to fill their tags. Plus I need to gather 10+ cords of wood for next winter...Busy spring and summer coming up! I'll be ready - I hope... :eek:
I have the itch really bad and cannot do anything but workout and read on the internet being deployed. So I you have the opportunity  and ability get and do some shooting/scouting for me  :D
I have it year round,but am lucky to live amongst them.Everyday is scouting out here in NM it seems. 10 days til the draw here. LO tags as back-up.  Small herd of cows and calves on my place this morning.

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