Give Away Gear Here!


New member
Mar 23, 2017
If you have some gear you dont use or need anymore, list it here and we help you get it a new home!
It can be anything!

Jackets, boots, bows, bugle tubes, Hoochie Mamas :) ... you name it!

We will run it like other contests, with a Random Drawing for the winner.

Here is what you do.
Provide the description of your item here.
Create a thread for people to enter and link it back to this.

I can help with the <!-- w --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"></a><!-- w --> drawing if you want

Whatcha Got????

Pay it forward!
Thanks Brad. I was going to ask about a Pay It Forward thread. I have a few items. I just need to get pictures of the items before posting.
I really need to go through our stuff to see what we have.

I acquired some \"free\" camping gear over the weekend but I am giving it to a kid at work. I\'m sure between my son and I we can come up with some stuff.

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