If you have some gear you dont use or need anymore, list it here and we help you get it a new home!
It can be anything!
Jackets, boots, bows, bugle tubes, Hoochie Mamas
... you name it!
We will run it like other contests, with a Random Drawing for the winner.
Here is what you do.
Provide the description of your item here.
Create a thread for people to enter and link it back to this.
I can help with the <!-- w --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.Random.org\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">www.Random.org</a><!-- w --> drawing if you want
Whatcha Got????
Pay it forward!
It can be anything!
Jackets, boots, bows, bugle tubes, Hoochie Mamas
We will run it like other contests, with a Random Drawing for the winner.
Here is what you do.
Provide the description of your item here.
Create a thread for people to enter and link it back to this.
I can help with the <!-- w --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.Random.org\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">www.Random.org</a><!-- w --> drawing if you want
Whatcha Got????
Pay it forward!