Giving up duck hunting

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
After all these years I\'m thinking about giving up duck hunting... The last few years I haven\'t been able to go very much.. 4 or 5 times last season, none the season before that and very few times the season before that..

I might just concentrate my energy to deer hunting with my muzzleloader and rifle... At least I don\'t have to worry about someone having to take me with them every time I go...

What do ya\'ll think??? :idea: :idea:

Only you can make the final decision, but I do know that at some point, we all are staring down at the light at the end of the tunnel - and hoping its not a train!

I often wonder when I will hang up my elk hunting spurs and sit back and have fond memories.
Maybe that why I take a lot of pics! :)

Maybe you could just go along with your sons/grandsons when the timing is right, and see the heritage you created
I would tell you to not give it up if you still enjoy it and are physically able to do it. But that\'s just me.
yep, has to be completely up to you. but, if you still have the urge then go. im bettin anything ya wanna bet ur kids LOVE you going and dont mind a bit doing anything it takes to get you out there. my dad wont even go sit in elk camp with me, let alone hunt. trust me i would be happy to do all the work.
if you dont enjoy it anymore quit, but if you do, go make some memories. even if its only once or twice a year
I agree with the guys Phil. I know it\'s something you love to do so maybe a couple of planed trips and fill the rest of your time putting the hurt on some whitetails! ;) Fill in some time chasing some turkeys.
Yep up to you Phil. I plan on going till I can\'t go anymore. Even if I have to crawl out in the woods to go hunting. Plan a couple weekends and enjoy. I am sure your family enjoys having you go along. Those are memories they will look back at remembering when grandpa use to go hunting with them. Hopefully you will have a little more water to float a boat next year to make things easier :upthumb:
No clue....but if the moderators want to start another contest I\'ll toss out a guess for a chance at another trail camera!! ;)

Kidding aside - I\'m sure it\'s been a topic on your mind Phil ever since your health got to where it disrupted those enjoyable trips and made them more worrisome.

I think someone else had a great idea and that\'s to plan 1 or 2 \'grandpa\' hunts where the kids/grandkids all do what they\'re supposed to do...respect their elders and do whatever is needed to make your hunt great just like you did so many times in the past for them. Trust me - they remember! Then, they can hunt every other weekend and you\'ll be back at camp ready to hear the stories and see some pictures. Win-Win in my books.
My reasoning was I had a tough time last fall and winter with the doctors having to use \"high powered\" antibiotics once in November while I was deer hunting and again in February to get me back going again... :downthumb: :downthumb: But at least they didn\'t have to bring out the BIG guns... :D :D

Heck, I\'m too old to quit... As long as I can I\'ll be out there... Maybe not as much as ya\'ll suggested but out there none the less... :upthumb: :upthumb:
That\'s a tough decision that we all will face at some point....sooner or later. I know we all hope it is later!! As a fellow die hard waterfowler, I understand how it gets into your blood. It is truly a lifestyle, not just something to pass the time. Me personally, as long as I am physically able to get to a blind I will be duck hunting. If it\'s 50 days a season or 5, I will still get out there. My grandfather went on his last duck hunt at the age of 84. He couldn\'t see very well and couldn\'t really hit anything any more, but he was out there. Doing what was in his blood. I hope to do the same!!

I can only imagine how hard it must be to get to a point where you must rely on someone else to hunt, but I wouldn\'t let that stop me from hunting. Look at it this many times have you helped someone else hunt over the years? Giving them a ride, taking them with you, showing them the ropes, giving advice on decoy spreads, introducing them to the outdoors, etc. Now....let others help you. You earned that!!!

Only you can make that decision. But from my perspective, two or three days chasing ducks is better than none!!!