GPS Communication


New member
Aug 10, 2015
Searching for a good quality GPS that will allow a group of hunters to keep track of eachother and text eachother. I found the Garmin Rino.

Has anyone had experience with these units? How to they work as far as the communication goes. Is it work the extra money, or is it better to just get a good GPS and handheld radios?
I have had the Rino 650 for 3 or 4 years now and don't go in the woods without it.  Paired with my onXmaps its been invaluable.  All three of my hunting partners use them and the communication is great.  Even if we are out of range to talk we are able to update positions for the most part.  Radio works great and the ability to see others in your group is awesome.  The battery in newer models like the 650 will last you at least two full days, maybe three.  My partners 120s and 530s don't last nearly as long.  Plenty of great accessories as well for extended hunts, ie: AA battery packs and additional lithium ion batteries.  Hope this helps.


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