Grunt - Rattle - Bleat?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Grunt - Rattle - Bleat

Which one, and when? Why?

Rank them in order of your preference
Grunt- nowish while the bucks sit in their areas waiting for the rut to kick off. They are territorial and if you come backing up the wrong tree. They will try to \"correct you\".

Bleat- rut rut rut. I don\'t use one and might try it this year, but man, you get a fired up buck that hears that can go off and they come running in.

Rattleing....meh. I don\'t do it anymore and every time I have its only been smaller bucks coming in to investigate.
I usually stay quiet. However if I see a deer pass by that is not going to come my way I will try to steer it to me. Some times it works sometimes it doesn\'t.

Grunts- They will look if they hear it and they might come or ignore you and go on.

Rattle- I will bang the horns together softly and see what happens. Usually the smaller ones run off. The bigger ones just look and go on their way. I have only once called one in. He came on a march to my tree and died from a sharp pointy stick :D

Bleat- I use a can or call but mostly the can. You can bring any deer in with a soft bleat or two. Like the other calls it works sometimes.
Grunt, - Use this when I want a deer to come my way and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn\'t.

Rattle - I have been having more and more success with this. A couple areas I have been hunting the bucks have been very territorial and have come into my rattling. Last year I climbed into my stand got set up, and rattled. Not more than 3 minutes goes buy and the buck I killed came right in with hair standing up and gave me a 5 yard shot. I was in and out of my stand in less than 15 minutes.

Bleat, - (or can) I do this some but have really only had limited success on this.

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