Guess my score #2


New member
Apr 30, 2014
To follow onto Tim\'s thread.

Here is a buck I killed last year.
Don\'t look back and research my score, just give it a good guess and maybe tell us what you are thinking.
Instead of a number, maybe explain why you got that number too.

I.E: I figured the G1s to be X G2s to be X etc

Maybe all together we can teach some new things.

Likewise with Alan. However Dan I will say that the configuration of that deer\'s rack has always been the one I like the best, when the main beams go out and forward.
You guys could still post guesses and post how you got it.

Like I said, when I first caught this guy on camera a few times, I had him projected to finish as a hard boned 125\"

These were my rough numbers, not including 1/8s

Left (guess)
G1- 5
G2- 10
G3- 6.5

M1- 4
M2- 4
M3- 3.5
M4- 3.5
MB1- 17

Inside spread: 15

MB2- 17
M1- 4
M2- 4
M3- 3.5
M4- 3.5
G1- 5
G2- 10
G3- 6.5

This brought me to 122, but like I said, it didn\'t have the 1/8s I had projected or the tiny sticker he had coming from his g2. Which put me at guessing he was around 125\"
My quick guess was 124. Maybe as high as 128... Nice deer for public but here at home I would give him another year.

I was thinking the same range.
I will give some more people the chance to guess and then I will post the score.

I almost wish I had the ability to give him another year. I love his blades and I would love to have seen how he would have looked next year :eek:
He is a great deer for public land my initial guess on this buck was right at 125 when i saw the pics. I was in hunting camp the day before Dan arrowed this buck but I left for a mule deer rifle hunt in NM and didn\'t see anything except a bunch of does. The bladed tines this buck has would have been amazing next year but on public land a buck like him might not get a pass from the next hunter.
I just threw the tape on him......

G1- 4
G2- 8 3/8s
G3- 6 2/8s

M1- 3 6/8
M2- 3 2/8
M3- 3 1/8
M4- 3
MB1- 19 6/8

Inside spread: 17

MB2- 19 4/8
M1- 3 4/8
M2- 3 3/8
M3- 3
M4- 2 5/8
G1- 3
G2- 8 4/8
G3- 6

Total: 120\"

The right side was a little weaker than the left, but I am still very pleased with this deer.

It\'s funny because the right side was weaker, but it had the little kicker on the G2 which probably would have evened out the right side.

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