Guess the Score II


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Below are a couple pics of a bull my ranching found friend this spring when riding the range.
This is in one of the OTC units that I hunt.
He figured that the bull was shot with a rifle and it went a long way and not found.

The score isn\'t official but reasonably close



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Nice bull, I would guess 330-340. Brad were there deductions for mismatched tines from side to side? If not I\'d say close to 350.

I\'m not a good scorer, and don\'t really think in \"inches\" ... but that\'s not to say I don\'t size-up an animal ... I have a difficult time putting it into words, but that is beyond a \"mature bull\" ... It\'s a grand bull. If he was a grade, he\'d be an \"A\".
\"ronco\" said:
Nice bull, I would guess 330-340. Brad were there deductions for mismatched tines from side to side? If not I\'d say close to 350.

Since I didn\'t get a reply, I\'ll go with 350 net 360 gross. I see some miss matched tines.
Ok, for what its worth, the bull measured out at 378 gross
I wasnt there, but the 2 guys that did measure it are very familiar with the process and elk.

He is grand bull for sure. And in an OTC unit too
That is a nice bull hope his bother is somewhere close by. Did they find that up behind there place?
So I\'m guessing if I should get lucky and shoot a bull with a rack like that I should probably cape him and think about mounting him?

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