Guess the score!


New member
Aug 25, 2017
Just playing around this evening & dug out this matching OLD set of sheds. Haven\'t ever scored them until tonight, but with a hunt planned this fall for one of the premier trophy units here in Colorado, I thought it might be a good test of my scoring abilities. I\'ll give you guys 2 hints. 1st are 14 & 5ths are 10 & 9\". Let\'s hear your guesses. By the way, I picked these up on the curb waiting for the trash truck along with a slightly smaller set. Lucky me! :eek:
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come on guys thats clearly a 302 7/8\" bull ! no I think everyone is on the right track should be right around 300 some where maybe a touch more
No experience scoring bulls. I always guess bucks at 120\", so for deer around here you will always be close. If they are bigger than congrats. Just from what research I\'ve done, I would guess him at the 290\"?
I have a bull hanging on the wall that scores 305 and this rack is a good bit larger. I say 320-330
Anyone else care to give it a shot? I\'ll post the numbers later tonight. The pic is deceiving, as most are. His main beams are a respectable 50 & 47\". The only measurement I have to guess on is the spread credit . For comparison purposes, what was the spread credit for your bull Brad?
50 and 47? Easy 320 in that case if not more. Of course, spread credit is a huge determining factor and we cant get that.

\"Spread credit may equal but not exceed the longer main beam\"

With the antlers not attached to the skull plate, that measurement will never be truly known as we need the inside spread measurement

I will have to locate my score sheet to see what the above bull\'s spread credit is.
Ok, here\'s the low down! As I mentioned earlier, the pics don\'t do this bone justice. When I first picked them up I thought they were 340-350 class. Bigger than anything I have ever seen hunting. I had talked to a guy who had wrote several articles for bow hunter magazine & when he found out I lived in a unit here in eastern Colo that he deer hunted, he looked me up that fall. He had just finished up an elk hunt in Az successfully with a decent 325 bull but was really bummed. Said if he had waited, he could have brought home a 380. I drug those sheds out to get a better opinion & he casually said \" that\'s a 325\" bull. All these years I really figured he was better than that. Some on here probably remember Dave Holt. Anyway.
Here we go.
Main beams- 50 & 47
G1- 14/14
Circumference are 8,6,6 &5
Total it up there & we have 284
Unless he just grew straight up, figure in a decent 45\" of spread & he comes up 329\"
There ya have it! Ronco gets the prize!

I\'ll kill one like that any day & twice if I could!

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