Has anyone made a ghille suit?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I have some old uniforms and I was thinking of trying to build my own ghillie suit.

Has anyone ever built one?
Any tips?
came pretty close once when i fell off my ATV and into a thorn/cactus bush..hurt like a mofo, but no animals could see me.
Dan, are you sure you want to do that! that would take some time away for your needlepoint sessions!

Dan. Keep you bow arm clear. My buddy \"pruned\" his arm at the first shot of his bow wearing a ghille

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
\"mainebrdr\" said:
Dan, are you sure you want to do that! that would take some time away for your needlepoint sessions!

:haha: :haha: :haha: I think we are going to need to let Gary know that you got Dan back for him Tim!
\"elky McElkerson\" said:

Dan. Keep you bow arm clear. My buddy \"pruned\" his arm at the first shot of his bow wearing a ghille

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

Good point, Cliff!!!! Thank you!

\"mainebrdr\" said:
Dan, are you sure you want to do that! that would take some time away for your needlepoint sessions!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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