Headnets, Face Paint


New member
Mar 11, 2014
Just got to thinking, I always use a head net when turkey hunting and pull it up at the last minute. I never wear anything in a treestand. What do you guys do when calling to elk. I\'ve never tried to shoot a bow with a head net on but I figure I could practice it a little and not much would change. Just curious, how well do elk see when they come in. I know they probably pinpoint where the sound or calls were coming from but do they key in on movement or is it just something out of place. On TV they just always seem to stand there like a cow in a pasture and let the guy draw his bow and shoot and I\'m sure that\'s not realistic.
I tried the face mask but really didn\'t like it so I went with the multi-color camo sticks. Don\'t know if it\'s needed but I figure it doesn\'t hurt anything and It doesn\'t bother me at all being on.
I\'m a face paint kind of guy as well never could stand shooting a bow with a face mask. I\'m sure the tight fitting spandex type face covers would be better where you could wear it around your neck then slip it up when the moment comes around but like stated I like face paint and dont mind it.
I sometimes wear facepaint as well sometimes I don\'t do anything, more just for me I guess. Elk usually key in on movement! sure they may spot ya as something out of place and kinda shy away from you I have seen them do this on old burnt stumps before so it just them being cautious trying to survive. I always have some sort of hat on and try to set up in the shade. looking down just out from under the hat brim. on occasion though it might help i\'ve killed elk bothways. Then again I have also in a white t shirt and blue jeans after school :wtf:
I just grow the beard out...it breaks up my face pretty well, and like TDiesel mentioned,as long as you don\'t move at the wrong time you\'ll be fine.
I use the Hunter Specialties 3/4 face mask. I slip it around my neck and pull it up when I need it. I wear the mesh one in warm season for deer and elk and the jersey one in colder weather.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/sportsmans/Hunter-Specialties-Face-Mask/productDetail/Mens-Hunting-Facemasks/prod9999006472/cat114763\">http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/spor ... /cat114763</a><!-- m -->
It all boils down to a matter of personal preference. Wear what you think is best. But you really don\'t need either one!
That\'s good to know. I guess they are more like deer then. I had rather do without either, most of the time on deer I just have my bow up between their eyes and my face. I think I\'ll just try that.
\"elkmtngear\" said:
I just grow the beard out...it breaks up my face pretty well, and like TDiesel mentioned,as long as you don\'t move at the wrong time you\'ll be fine.

Most of my hunting partners grow beards before seasons starts, but that\'s not an option for us chicas. Face masks (and gloves) drive me nuts, and can sometimes interfere with a good anchor. So I use face paint or just smear on some campfire ashes so my face, hands, and neck don\'t stand out so much.
\"elkmtngear\" said:
I just grow the beard out....

Ive been wondering about this myself, I usually keep beard year round, :eh: unfortunately the last couple years Ive accelerated towards the santa claus look, so its not much help in the camo area.
\"Bob Frapples\" said:
\"elkmtngear\" said:
I just grow the beard out....

Ive been wondering about this myself, I usually keep beard year round, :eh: unfortunately the last couple years Ive accelerated towards the santa claus look, so its not much help in the camo area.

Yeah...mine is starting to look a little like \"snow camo\" :shh:
As WW said, it is al good. Do whatever you like. I have used a head net, or face paint, went without shaving, and with none of these. It doesn\'t matter especially if you stay in the shadows and next to trees and brush.