Hi Guys. I\'m new...here


New member
Mar 22, 2014
Finally found your new camp. Geez, you know how big the Weird Wired Web is?

Glad to see you\'re all well and still throwing logs on the fire. Hope you have room for one more stump sitter. I brought my own...
Frank, welcome. There is always room around the fire for another hunter. Did you bring some good wieners, or is there any such thing?
Frank ehh?? Welcome to show. Gotta watch some of these guys pretty close, but I\'ll bet you already know that :D
pull up a log, just be careful when you sit down, somebodys libel to move it on ya lol
Hey Brad, I was just \"sniper\" but decided to specialize. Didn\'t want to offend anyone, except maybe PETA. By the way, really glad you guys got this site going. It\'s already cleared my head, and that may or may not be a good thing.

Swede, you old coot, you know you can\'t eat wieners at your age. They\'re bad for your health. Better stick to something soft, like mush or Jello. :upthumb: Good to see you here, buddy.

Thanks for the welcome, campers. I\'ll try not to be a PITA if you promise to leave my stump alone and not drink my bottle of tequila. I\'m saving that for the celebration.
SNIPER! You sure fooled me this time. I think I will need to get ahold of cnelk riffraff screen. How did we both slip through his special sieve? Brad, I won\'t use it for anything other than for ID purposes. Promise.
Anyway, good to hear from Sniper again. Ya, I know about the wieners thing. I still sneak one every now and again in elk camp. You are the second person that pulled a good one over on me here. Bob Ferapples pulled a similar stunt. Okay, I was easy, but I remember long and well. Frank, I hope to see you in elk camp this next season. Maybe I can find one of those wieners or something and we can visit over lunch.

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