How is fall turkey different from spring?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
So I had a lot of fun chasing turkeys this spring and now I wanna do it in the Fall!

Im imagining it\'ll be different, but how so?
One thing is they don\'t come to calling very well like the spring time. If you can find a flock and get close enough to run in and bust them up so they head in different directions. Then set up and start calling. They want to get back into a flock again.

If you can pattern them set up where they have been traveling and wait them out.

Dan I think the busting them up would fit your style best. :lol:
You may be disappointed Dan. Not near as much going on that makes turkey hunting fun as far as I\'m concerned. Not as much talking, gobbling and strutting. Besides anything that takes precious hunting time away from cloven hoofed four footed beasts takes a back seat for me.

There are some guys around here that pick up a fall turkey tag to put on the leg of an unlucky one that happens to stroll by their deer stand. Hens are legal game here in the fall as well.
gobblers dont talk much, and usually just clucks when they do. i have heard gobbles in the fall while deer hunting, but its never sustained and its more of a shock gobble or warning to something, not something you can hone in on and call to. poults and hens talk constantly. like francis said bust the flock up and call and they will come back. lost hen calls, kee kee runs of poults both work well. its fine if there is nothing else to do, but not nearly as much fun as other things you can be doing that time of year.
I get a fall tag for the stupid birds that walk to close to the tree stand. There does seem to be as many stupid ones as years past. :think:
The only reason I even fool with a fall turkey permit is the fact that I like to eat them so much. If one is dumb enough to walk by my stand when I am deer hunting I shoot them if I get a chance. If you couldn\'t spring turkey hunt then turkeys to me would be like walking buzzards. :)
In Missouri you can hunt them all day in the fall whereas you have to stop at 1PM in the spring. They are also flocked up in the fall. I usually have my bow in hand pursuing whitetails though so I rarely buy a shotgun turkey license in the fall. On the other hand, your archery permit for deer automatically comes with 2 turkey tags.
