How is the rut coming along?


New member
Jun 18, 2013
Just about to head out for my final week of hunting in central colorado. Just wondering with this cold weather an snow if the ruts full swing yet. Thanks
Wentto the spot you told me about on Saturday, there was someone parked at the gate you told me to park at; so I went up the other gated road. Waited till about 7AM, let out a small bugle and got an instant reply, never did see the bull (I hate the wind). I was able to get 3 more bulls to answer throughout the morning but never saw any hair. I did find an arrow that someone missed with, just so happens to be the same length and broadhead type that I am using. Planning on taking next weekend, last weekend of the season, and going to the area again. They are in there, I just gotta find them.
The area I hunted last week in eastern ID had yet to hit its stride, through Saturday.

As far as bugling goes, last week was really dictated by weather, the few days mid week when it was cold with drizzle or snow were really active during the night and day, the days on the front and back end with mild temps and blue bird skies, were really slow both day and overnight. 

During the week I only saw one bull that had gathered a herd of cows, otherwise we saw lots of single bulls, single cows, groups of cows or a single bull pushing a cow. 


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