Hunter or elk?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
How are you at picking the difference between a hunter or an elk?
Have you ever been fooled?

Do you listen for anything special before you go running into the \"elk\"?
No matter how good the bugles are, the chuckles are usually a dead give away.

OH! Did I mention hoochie mamas???
I have been fooled but it was not by a hunter I was getting relatively close back to truck and heard what sounded more like a donkey bray mixed bugle light not overly loud so I decide to bugle figured it was hunters just off the road or maybe still on it. I bugle and they bugle back then bugle back again and again all wile sounding horrible about15 min goes by and they are getting closer comming up the trail so I stand right in the middle of a nice open spot bow resting on my boot when a very respectable 5x5 comes around the corner with me now feeling like a jack a$$ ready to bray cause I\'m basically caught no chance for a shot nothing he looks at me and trots off now sometimes I can tell but I sure get cautious even when I\'m 98% sure it\'s a hunter
\"Tdiesel\" said:
I have been fooled but it was not by a hunter I was getting relatively close back to truck and heard what sounded more like a donkey bray mixed bugle light not overly loud so I decide to bugle figured it was hunters just off the road or maybe still on it. I bugle and they bugle back then bugle back again and again all wile sounding horrible about15 min goes by and they are getting closer comming up the trail so I stand right in the middle of a nice open spot bow resting on my boot when a very respectable 5x5 comes around the corner with me now feeling like a jack a$$ ready to bray cause I\'m basically caught no chance for a shot nothing he looks at me and trots off now sometimes I can tell but I sure get cautious even when I\'m 98% sure it\'s a hunter

That\'s a good learning from kind of story! I\'ll be sure to take them all serious even if I am convinced it\'s a hunter.
I can totally see myself having that same situation happen...

\">>>---WW---->\" said:
No matter how good the bugles are, the chuckles are usually a dead give away.

OH! Did I mention hoochie mamas???

I will have to remember the chuckle tip :upthumb:
I really wish I could say I have NEVER been fooled but that would be a lie !!

A buddy and I were out hunting and we heard the most pathetic bugle ever then we heard it again 4-5 minutes later and it was closer. My buddy said should I get set up and I laughed and said no man its just a hunter coming to check us out !!

Two minutes later a 4 point steps out looking right at us...........busted by a pathetic fake sounding REAL LIVE ELK !!

Lesson learned !!
i\'m not even experience enough to know if i have been fooled or not.

i\'\'ve never walked up on a hunter tho. i imagined a rookie hunter would over-bugle, so i took those amped up boy sounds with a grain of salt.

i did use it to my advantage tho..once. Unit 36 new mexico. we were hiking waaay up to our secret spot and came across a bull with a harem. he was making noise. we looked down into the darkness, and see a hunter hiking towards the sound and trying to bugle.. i briefly shined a flashlight down at the group, and he called off the climb and went back to his truck. we didnt get that bull, but we got the mountain to ourselves and we took another two bulls.

i believe to this day that hunter thought it was us making the ruckus.
My first year I spotted a nice bull bugling about 3 ridges over so i high tailed it his direction, once i crested the first hill, I stopped to lay eyes on him again and about the time I saw him bugling, he jumped in his tracks looking 90 deg to me and turned quarrying to me running in my general direction. I ran 90 degrees to try to get to where I though he might be heading only to never see or hear him again, within a few minutes I hear another bugle in the general direction he came from. This was followed immediately by a cow call, then another, another bugle, then cow call, bugle,,,,,,,desperation.
Even I could tell all these calls were coming from the exact same location, dead giveaway to me and I\'m sure to any elk that has survived a year or two.

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