I am thinking about inviting myself to go with you. I know you would make a great hunting partner. I want to be a great partner too, but I am not sure I have all it takes. Please advise me on your priorities, and the minimum levels of competence you expect me to have. I have 10 criterion I want you to prioritize in order of importance, and to rate from 1 to 5. A one will be for having very little needed, or expected and five is very high. I would assume the higher the priority the greater the level I will need to attain. It is important to know just how hard I need to work to get ready.
1. Shooting skill
2. Elk hunting knowledge
3. Woodsman ability
4. Ethics, including law abiding
5. Physical condition
6. perseverance, Maximum means hunts every day and all day.
7. Patience, Will wait for the right situation
8. Fun to be with
9. Helps with camp and other tasks including packing
10 Equipped and supports the corporate efforts
1. Shooting skill
2. Elk hunting knowledge
3. Woodsman ability
4. Ethics, including law abiding
5. Physical condition
6. perseverance, Maximum means hunts every day and all day.
7. Patience, Will wait for the right situation
8. Fun to be with
9. Helps with camp and other tasks including packing
10 Equipped and supports the corporate efforts