Hunting scars

Big Tex

New member
Jan 8, 2013
Anyone else have any scars that remind you of the blood sweat and tears that you've put into chasing elk.  I'll offer two:

- puncture hole in my groin from an antler tip that I got packing the antlers and cape from my first bull.  Somehow I tripped/slipped/twisted heading down the embankment into a creek and whack.  This could've been bad!
- the second is a nice clean slice from a razor sharp broadhead that I got last season.  I was working the call and decoy while my partner went after the bull.  I heard the bull close in so I nocked an arrow in case he veered my way and in the excitment of trying to do three things at once I ended with a daily reminder of that encounter. ;D

What do you have!

The only ones I have are from before I learned how to do the gutless method. From getting cut from ribs after splitting the brisket when I was younger. Thats all I knew when it came to gutting something out. Now I either do the gutless method or save the cape and don't cut the brisquet. Then random times from cutting myself with my own knife. haha yeah these are all amature mistakes.
I have a couple scars from where i cut myself and from a tree branch that i slip and fell on. that branch caught me in the arm where it left a small hole.
Oh yeah, it's the psychological scars that are the worst...or the best depending on how you look at it.
Stuck a  muley's antler almost clean through my hand in the middle of the palm. Duct-taped my thumb to my pinky to keep  it closed for the following 5 days of my pack in hunt in the West Elks.
Yes! My soul carries a scar that burns deeply once September ends, and the long wait begins for another 335 days..........  :'(
no scars myself, but my father in law couldn't keep himself from helping pack out an elk just days after he got a vasectomy. He had a full pack and stepped over a blow down, slipped, and landed on his jewels. I am pretty sure every hunter across the country heard him scream that day.
I was tracking a blood trail a couple of years ago and got to a point where there was a ton of blood so I nocked an arrow. A little bit further I found some chunks so I bent down to look at it and proceeded to stick my broad head straight into my knee! Needless to say I had to try and stop the bleeding with my tube sock and 5 hours later had to get 3 stitches at the ER which cost me 500 bucks!!!!
When I was 19 I was hunting elk with a friend of mine and we were  beating some thick bush. I was walking with my head down kind of bulldozing my way through and when he said something I looked up. Unfortunately, when I picked my head up I was staring right into the jagged end of a thumb size, broken off branch. I did the ole "oh s***" emergency eye close at the last second, and thank god my eyelid got down far enough that the stick took me right where my eyelashes attach and the stick slid up instead of down. I came that close to losing my eye right there. No major scars to show for it, but I now keep a pair of clear safety glasses in my pack and they are always on when I am either going through heavy bush or when I'm walking before light/after dark.
Sliced my finger on a hunt last year and used duct-tape to secure it closed.  Went clean through to the bone.  Never went to get it stiched up as I was in the back country, although it was pretty deep and bled alot.  Glad I remembered to pack some duct tape in my pack.   


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Yes! My soul carries a scar that burns deeply once September ends, and the long wait begins for another 335 days..........  :'(
I live this pain! Well said.
No physical scars but had some close calls. One in particular the guy I was hunting with had to cut the deers throat to finish it off. The deer started kicking and jumped up and ran strait at me.  During the time I had a brace on my knee from a football injury and could not move very fast. Was able to dive to one side and the deer plowed through the middle of a service berry bush that I was standing in front of. Very close...Could have been very bad situation.
No physical scars from elk maybe a few emotional scars but i have one from chasing deer with my 14 yr old daughter this last season. She had shot a small buck and we were dragging it down the hill when we came up to a tree we were moving fairly quick i decided to go around the tree on the down hill side she decided to go around it on the uphill side this didn't work for obvious reasons and when i raised my head up to say something i ran my face into a nice jagged tree branch. It hit me just to the right of my eye , thank god, and took a nice chunk of my face off but i know i was lucky in that i still have my eye.