Idaho units 16a & 17


New member
Mar 4, 2017
Planning my fall elk trip. I made a point system based on the elk harvest reports from last season. The best zone I came up with was theselway zone, specifically units 17 and 16a. With that information I hopped on google earth and it looks a little thick, but not unreasonably. I prefer to climb high and glass, and my question is whether or not that's realistic in these units? Read on another forum that unit 17 won't provide any glassing opportunities. Thoughts?
Hi Bardownsnipe,

Were you able to find any info on this?  In other forums, I read that the wolves have done a number on the elk population, but have no way to confirm.  I was looking at hunting Unit 15.  Do you have any info on that unit or the terrain in the area?


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