In case you wondered...


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Mar 23, 2017
Super Glue does work on cuts.

After consulting with our local site BTO doctor, I glued my finger together tonight.


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Ouch! BTW, do you remember now those talks, your dad had with you, about not cutting towards yourself? The good news is that it looks like you should heal up quick, but you could ask Tick.
I carry some in my first aide kit along with some steri strips just in case. Sorry to see you had to try it Brad. :( I see you got your broadheads or knife razor sharp. :upthumb:
I was sharpening a knife years ago while sitting on the couch with my son watching a baseball game. One second everything was going great, the next...I buried the knife into my hand, right into the thumb-pad/palm. As I was watching my pulse make the knife wiggle back and forth my son looked over, and I asked him to get me the paper towels and the super glue from the kitchen. I held pressure for about 20 minutes, then glued it up. It\'s the best looking scar I have. I have numerous stitches scars fro being a crazy kid but this one healed up the best.
be honest. does super glue sting like a !@#!@$!@#%$!!@#$!!??

i have a doctor friend. he knows i\'m a bleeder and i like sharp things. he put a kit together for me and it came with tiny tubes of skin glue. they are in glass vials with cotton wad in the end. you break a glass, squeeze, and start gluing. this kit he sent me? i bet i could treat a gun shot wound until EMT arrives. he sent me a bunch of stuff.

i\'ve been pretty lucky with applying pressure..besides, my cuts are usually \"wider\" and there is missing stuff. not glue friendly.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
be honest. does super glue sting like a !@#!@$!@#%$!!@#$!!??

YES IT DOES STING like a (&$&*#$$#*&#&(#$(&$($!!!!

But, I can tell ya that Drs wont tell you that unless you ask... Ha HA!

i\'ve cracked open a vial and hovered it over my cut..the smell just screams..this is gonna sting. i tapped out.
brad, you gotta stop cutting your hands. what did you do.
and yes, it does work, used it when i cut my knuckle dressing my mule deer out. but make sure you clean the wound extremely well before you put it on. dont wanna close a bunch of germs in there.
How\'d I miss this?

Wait. Are you the guy who texted me the other night?

By the way, it only stings if you soak it first.
Any tricks to using super glue? I\'ve never tired it. I\'m guessing clean, then you hold the wound closed and glue across the top of the skin?
Per Dr Tick
Get bleeding stopped - compression/raise hand
Dry wound
Squeeze cut closed
Apply glue
Grit teeth
Let glue dry
Cover with bandage

Glue will detiorate in a day so reapply as necessary

My cut after 5 days


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